Friday, September 30, 2011

Fun Friday!!

Lance, Lilly & I are all feeling better. Jeff is still fighting it a bit, but not too bad. Lance went back to school today & was back to his normal rotten self! Lilly had a BIG day. She went skating with school this morning. She had her first bus ride to get there!!! I met them there & it was CRAZY!! 12 classes grades k-3....lots of kids!! They had a blast though. Afterward I ran home for a bit then went and had lunch with Lilly at school. She has been asking for awhile but between sickness and schedules I haven't been able to. We had a nice time!! This afternoon I took them to mom who will be keeping them for the night!!! Jeff & I had dinner and now I am in my jammos, in bed where I plan on staying as long as I can!!!!!!!! I even made sure my house was picked up so I wouldn't feel guilty!!

Have a good weekend everyone!!!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Pink Eye??

Lance was up for about an hour coughing last night. Spent the entire morning watching cartoons in bed while I worked. He fell asleep and sleep for about and hour & a half. He ate and perked up a little but was still tired. While waiting to pick up Lilly I noticed he had a big "eye booger". I cleaned it out and thought he eye looked a little red.....about 40 mins later it was there again. It slowly started looking worse. We went ahead and put drops in both eyes in the afternoon and again before bed. I am not 100% it's pink eye......I guess we will see in the morning.....

Plus, my throat is scratchy and I pretty much feel like poo.....

Monday, September 26, 2011

On the mend??

Both kids went to school today, although neither are 100%. They have been fever free for several days, but continue to cough and be tired. Lilly seems to be recovering a little better. Lance now has a runny nose and it still coughing. The doc. told me the cough could last a couple weeks so I am trying to be patient. It is hard when they look so bad and wear down so easily. Lance's teacher told my mom (who picked him up today) that he was good & participated, but she could tell he wasn't 100%. I sure hope it doesn't last much longer.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Lilly's 6th bday party!!

Well, Lilly slept all night & woke up fever free!!! The party was on!! She wasn't 100%, but wanted to have her party. Everything went well & all her friends showed up. She got 4 new Barbies!! Plus, some fingernail polish, another gift card & clothes, shoes & other goodies from Mammaw & Pappaw. When we came home she had a package in the mail from Taylor. It had a book & another gift card in it! So now she has 3 gift cards. She is going to have one fun shopping trip!!

You can tell in the pictures that she isn't feeling great, but she still had a good day. When we got home she was WORN OUT!!
Pull-string pinata held by Jeff!!

 Pin the sunglasses on Barbie!!
 Check out Lance with the eyemask!! LOL
 Pink Barbie cake!! Make a wish!!
 Princess Charm School Barbie...very cool btw!
 Fingernail polish!!!
 I think this is Strollin' Pups Barbie....also very cool!

Happy Birthday Barbie!!

 Natalie & Madison
 Lilly & Graycie!
 They had to take a break to put on their lip gloss & stickers!
 Birthday girl!!
 Go Madison!
 Lance gave it a try!
 Lilly & Graycie!
 Lance is up there!
Gift card from Taylor!!

This didn't load the first time so it's out of order. These are her friends left to right: Natalie, Graycie, Holly, Lilly & Madison

I think despite not feeling great, she had a great day!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Lilly's 6th birthday!!

Lilly's 6th bday started by waking up at 12:30am and coughing till she choked and ended up getting sick. :( 
She went back to sleep and was up a couple more times coughing. When I went to wake her for school this morning I couldn't get her up and she felt warm. I took her temp (it was only 99/100) but when she finally woke up you could tell she was tired and didn't feel well. So we kept her home from school. She was upset, but mostly cause she was afraid she wasn't going to get to open her presents!! I assured her that it was her bday and she would still get presents!!

I got some Tylenol in her and her fever came right down. She chilled for awhile, but perked up once the fever dropped. We let her open one present from us and she played for awhile. Then her gift from Pappaw & Julie came and she got to open it!! Later, she opened Uncle Cam's present. We skyped with Grandma Trisha and she got to open her gift. Then finally after waiting fairly patiently most of the day we let her open the rest of our gifts.

Then we headed to dinner at a pizzeria in downtown that we had never been to. Mammaw & Pappaw joined us and gave her a few small things as well. All in all I think she still had a great day, just wasn't feeling 100%. I have all my fingers and toes crossed that she is well enough for school tomorrow. If she can sleep tonight she will probably be ok.

Real baby clothes for her baby dolls! (from Lance, per mommy)

Barbie clothes from Pappaw & Julie

Barbie with a bike!!! (Pappaw & Julie)

changing Barbies clothes

Her card from Uncle Cam was a pop up & she thought it was so cool!!

This is part of Uncle Cam's gift. She got clothes & new panties from  him!!

Gift card from Grandma Trisha!!!

Her special precious moments from Grandma. She already found the perfect spot on her "special" shelf for it!!

One of the shirts she picked out when we went shopping last weekend!!

My big surprise for her!! The dress I told her there was no way she was getting because it was too expensive. (everything ended up being on sale so I splurged).....

so, so, so GLAD I did!! She was SO happy!!

The "pink" stroller!!

Helping Daddy assemble the stroller!

Ta-da!! She was in heaven!! (new jammos from Pappaw & Julie she is wearing)

The dress!! Isn't is adorable! Fits perfect! I have no idea when/where she will ever wear it (maybe Christmas)??? Just so pretty!!

Her birthday cupcake!!!

 I captured this & had to post...she tried so hard all day to be happy. Bless her heart, she had a good day, but you can see in this moment she is tired and doesn't feel well.

So Lilly ended up eating a small portion of her cupcake. Lance on the other licked all the icing off of his and ate a little around the edges. His face was covered by the time he was done!! This picture captures his mischievous little smile!

We have more party and presents on Saturday!! I told her she got enough today we should just cancel the party! She didn't think so!!!

We also talked about the day she was born and looked at her baby scrapbook and baby pictures. It is so hard to believe that she is 6.

Happy Birthday to my first born! I love you Lillian Grace!!!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Baby bump.....

So I guess better late than never.......
~14.5 weeks~

*Ignore the awful look on my face & my beautiful hair!!! This was right after bedtime and am exhausted.....

Almost 6......

So tonight is the last night that my baby girl is 5....I keep telling her she isn't turning 6, but the truth is I can't stop it :(

She is VERY ready for the celebrations! We are doing cupcakes tomorrow at her school. She will get to open our presents, Uncle Cams present & Grandma Trisha's present tomorrow!

So what does an almost 6-year-old look like???




*just a sidenote....although I can't believe I am admitting this.....I never lost my camera was in the camera the whole time...don't ask...I have no excuse other than I am pregnant!!!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Well, Sunday night Lance started with a cough. He sounded terrible, but had no fever. He went to school Monday and was ok. Not 100%, but not too bad. However, Monday evening Jeff discovered he had a fever. I had felt him and thought he was ok, but I was wrong. He ended up running a fever all night and sounded even worse this morning. He and I laid in bed watching cartoons all day. I took him to the dr this afternoon and she said it didn't look like strep. If he continues to run a fever through Thurs she said to bring him back and we will check. I can't really do anything for except tylenol for the fever & I just feel bad. His little voice sounds terrible. He didn't play much at all today. He perked up a little this evening but not much. I hope he feels better soon!!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Bass Pro

We had a good & productive weekend! I managed to do all the laundry, grocery shop, take the kids out last night & clean most of the house. That is more than I have done in a month, let alone two days!! I think I'm feeling better!! I still have to push myself, but it's not quite as hard.

Last night I bribed Lance to go to JCPenney by promising him we would go to Bass Pro. So after Penneys and dinner we headed to Bass Pro. We were in there for about an hour & they had a blast!! Got in boats, sat on 4-wheelers, got to shot play guns, looked at the fish & more!! Mom & Dad joined us for the evening & we all had a great time. It wore us all out, but it was FUN!!

The countdown is on for the bday girl!!! It's gonna be a fun week!!!

*I haven't been posting pics, because I have lost my camera card. I was hoping I would find it while cleaning such luck. I have no idea where it is.....

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Tonight Lance helped Jeff cook dinner. It was PRICELESS. He talked the WHOLE time. He was asking questions that were totally random & constantly saying "Daddy". Jeff was so patient with him, but I couldn't help but laugh. I just thought it was funny because it wasn't ME!!! He was in there for about an hour & just kept on going!

I wish there were words to explain how funny this child is. He drives me bonkers & has tested me a million times over, but he is worth every minute of stress & frustration. He is constantly making me laugh & is such a sweet, loving child. His spirit & personality are so bright, he literally spreads joy wherever he goes. I only hope that we can continue to foster these traits in a positive manner!!

Here are a few of the recent things he has done lately
-he currently wears two watches a Shrek watch which is his "weather watch" & tells him what the weather will be like & a Spongebob watch that is his "clock watch"
-tonight he asked me about a tatoe watch, I said, "a potato watch?" He said, "Yes, you were talking to mammaw about it & it was on the tv with maps. I said, "a tornado watch?" He said, "Yes"!!
-We were reading a book tonight that had sounds. Every time he would push a button he made some type of gesture. If it was music he would point his fingers and dance. If it was a race car sound he would move his arm like he was zooming a car.
-He does at least one puzzle a day if not more. He is doing 24 piece puzzles on his own.
-He regularly comes out in only his underwear with several things stuck in it like a belt.
-He will come out of his room at bedtime and say he has to ask you something. When you ask what he says, "I love you".

I don't know if it is the hormones or what but lately when I look at our kids I am just amazed at them. I can only imagine what our future holds with them. I know they will continue to challenge us, which is a part of it, but I also know that their joy & innocence is what helps us get through many tough days!

I love you Lance Maksim Wade!!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Good Monday!!

Today was a good day!! Lilly popped right up when I went in to wake her up and was in a good mood. I had to wake Lance but he was good. After getting both kids dropped off to school I headed to a Moms group meeting. This was my first time going & I really enjoyed it!! Lilly's soccer coach had told me about it in the spring but by the time I made contact they were finishing up for the school year & just started back up. Anyway, I knew a couple of the other moms & was able to meet a few more. One of them is the mom of one of the boys in Lance's class!! Hopefully, it will be an opportunity to meet some more people & friends for the kids.

After that I grabbed lunch (!!!! Then meet mom at Target to check out some of the options for Lilly's bday. Mom got her the Happy Birthday Barbie, which was one thing she had said she wanted. Other than that we are still deciding. She had mentioned a doll house, but that would mean one large gift & I am not sure it's something she REALLY wants.

My "me time" ended quickly and I had to go get the kids. First Lance then in line to wait for Lilly. Luckily Lance slept almost the entire wait so that was good. We came home and relaxed then went outside for a bit. They are loving the weather! The sun is still hot for me, but if I can stay in the shade I do ok.

We now have 3 of 5 girls confirmed for Lilly's bday party so I am happy! I was worried no one would be able to come! Plus, the dr. called and said my blood work all looked normal! I didn't have a chance to call back but she said everything was good and only to call if I had questions!

I was tired by the time I got home with the kids and got a headache but all in all felt pretty good!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Relaxing weekend!

We did pretty much nothing this weekend! Lots of relaxing and playing. Mom had picked up the kids Friday from school because I had a training so they stayed there and played all evening & I took a nap! Saturday we slept in, then went to Wal-Mart to let Lilly do some birthday window shopping. Today we lazed around and then headed to Target & the park. The weather has been so nice the past week that they kids have been going crazy to get out. All in all it was a good weekend!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

~13 weeks~

Today was our dr. appt. I am not quite 13 weeks, but we are calling it that. Everything looks good. The ultrasound was good, heartbeat was 145. I'm pretty sure he/she was sleeping. It never moved. Just sitting there with it's arm up and legs propped chilling. We opted for this ultrasound basically because we wanted an extra sneak peek!! They checked the fluid behind the neck and took blood. They look at those together and can tell if the baby is at risk for certain disorders. We won't know anything until next week. We got some pretty good pics from the ultrasound. I don't have a scanner right now so I took pics of them to post. They aren't great, but hopefully you can tell a little. (No we did not find out gender, that won't be until early Nov)

Head is on the left, arm is up, you can see the torso and little of the foot on the right

Head and arm....saying Hello!!!

This one didn't turn out, but it's actually a good one. The head and arm on the left. Then the spots on the right  is a leg and the foot is up.

Another head and hand shot

Far right, two little dots....little duck feet!!

I am starting to feel a little better, but not 100%. I do see a light at the end of the tunnel. The biggest problem is that I have no appetite. Nothing sounds good. When I can make myself eat I usually feel better, but it's hard when you have no desire. Hopefuly, in the next week or so I will be feeling much better!! We go back in 4 weeks for another checkup and then the next appointment in early Nov will be the fun one!!