Thursday, March 31, 2011

Healthy Boy

I took Lance to his 3 year check up today. I would first like to say that I have found our new pediatrition....I LOVE HER!! She was great!!

Lance is 37 lbs & 39 1/2 inches tall. That puts him in the 90th percentile for both. That means out of 100 kids his age his is bigger than 90 of them!!! HOLY COW>>>>>how did that happen?? I knew he was big but seriously....

He had to get two shots & was not happy about it. I was holding his hands & I told the nurse, "Make sure you hold his legs, he might kick". She said that she would hold them down. Well, the first one went in & he completely stiffened his entire body. She said, "Man, he's strong". All I could do was laugh...I tried to warn her!! His leg is pretty sore from the first one. I feel terrible for him.

She said he looked great & she couldn't find anything wrong with him!! I'll take that!! She did say she heard a heart murmur. This is the first time I have been told that. Lilly had one & we even had it check when she was two, but she said it's not an issue.

Then the kids & I went on a bit of a shopping trip. Lilly *needed* some sandals for school,(she can't wear her flip flops so it was an actual need). Anyway, I also picked her up a few summer dresses & outfits. Lance got a couple things too. Now for those of you who know me well you know I don't go shopping very often & when I do I don't usually buy  much. However, I am apparently getting pretty good at is at this is the 2nd week in a row that I have ventured out. I blame moving & the change of season. :) Luckily Jeff doesn't mind....although if I keep it up he just might!!!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Playdate fun!!

After an exhausting day yesterday (Lilly school, tumbling & soccer), we turned around & had a playdate this morning!! Lilly has been begging to have her a playdate with her friend Graycie from school. I asked once a few weeks ago & it didn't work with her family schedule. Then we had our own conflicts (Lance bday & moving). I finally told her if she would take her skating instead of over to play that we could do it this week. It worked out great. We picked her up & heading to skating, then headed to McD's for lunch & more playing. All in all it went GREAT!! Lilly was worn out from yesterday, but still did well. She got upset one time but I can't complain. I was worried how Lance would do but he did pretty well. Now I just need to find him some friends. Poor kiddo...he gets so lonely.

Lilly finally got her playdate with her friend from school. We took her skating & to eat at McDonald's! FUN!!

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Monday, March 28, 2011

She went right out tonight & is doing great. What a difference two weeks makes. I am SOOOO proud of her!!

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Sunday, March 27, 2011

A sneak peek!!

So we actually hung a few things tonight & did a little decorating.....I am so excited. Here's a pic of my mantel....I am sure I will change it 100 times.....but I am happy with it for now!!!

We actually got to chill a little today. I slept in until 9:30!! WHOHHOO!!! Then Jeff took a nap!! We had to get the rest of the stuff from the trailer. Got that done, now it just has to be moved. I have a place to call tomorrow & then hopefully we can move it this week. That only leaves what's left in the storage can be organized & put in one...there will be a few things that still need to come here & some to get rid of, but we are making progress!!
I got rid of 8 boxes (actually my dad took them...thank you!!) this week. I had a HUGE yard sale before we moved, yet after living in the trailer for 4 1/2 months I have found we still have WAY too much. I have gone through everyones clothes & cleaned out. Went through kids toys & cleaned out. Cleaned out kitchen stuff & bathroom stuff. So now we (by we I mean Jeff) just have a few boxes to go through & find a home for & the rest is basically hanging pictures, curtains & decorating. I AM SO EXCITED!!! I feel really good about our decision. There are some down sides to it, but all in all I really believe we made the right choice.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

First Soccer Game!!!

Well, today was Lilly's first soccer game. SHE DID AMAZING!!!! She started & was doing great. Going after the ball & really getting in there. Then........she fell....and someone fell on her. It was a pretty hard fall. She kinda fell on her side & her cheek hit the ground. She came running to us & cried pretty hard for several minutes. However, she went & sit on the sidelines with her coach & had a fruit-roll up. Then went back in the game. She got the ball & was heading down the field & no one was around.....she missed the goal. After that she got upset & walked off the field crying. She said she was tired, but I am not sure what happened. I think she may have gotten scared or embarrassed. Regardless, she never went back in. We are still very proud of her. I think she will continue to do well. She didn't sleep well last night & her allergies are still bothering her. I took her to the dr on Thurs & got  her eye drops & singular, but she is still not feeling 100%
Warming up before the game!

Warming up!

Go Team Force!

Look how tall she is??? I think she is the tallest on her team.

This is her break after the fall.

This is when she missed the goal. She stopped the ball & was trying to
turn it, but she kicked too hard & it went out of bounds.

On another note....I have been an organizing fool!! I have cleaned out quite a bit. I went on a bit of a shopping trip yesterday & bought lots of goodies to organize what's left!! I will post pics soon.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


I have made a lot of progress the past two days around the apartment!! Monday I woke up feeling bad (sinus/allergies) & didn't get much done (partly because Lilly had school, they both had tumbling & then Lilly had soccer). I actually felt worse yesterday, but I took some medicine & Mom/Dad came over & helped & we got a lot done. I woke up feeling better today (although I already had an appt & went to get some antibiotics cause I was pretty sure it was a sinus infection) & was able to get quite a bit done today as well. I only have a few big boxes left to unpack & then I have some smaller ones with decor/pic frames & photo albums, but I feel like it's getting there. I will of course have to organize & arrange it numerous times before I get it how I want it. I will post pictures once I get to that point....or close!!

Lilly had soccer practice again this afternoon (just her regular team practice). She did AMAZING!!! They played a practice game & she scored a goal. She was really out there hustling after the ball...I was SO PROUD OF HER!! Her first game is Saturday so I hope it goes well!!!

When I went to check on the kids before I came to lay down this is what I found.....

We never heard him fall, but it apparently didn't bother him! I
have another bedrail that works better guess I'll have to put
that one on there. (P.S.....his room is a work in progess)

Monday, March 21, 2011


Well, we are pretty much moved. I say that loosely because although most of our belongings are in the is a mess & we still have things to do. BUT....we are super happy & everyone is sleeping great in their own rooms/beds. We were concerned that it may be an issue for Lilly & Lance since they have been sleeping in the same room, but they did great. I haven't got much put away, but it's getting there!! Lilly had soccer again tonight & did great!! She was tired & it took awhile (it was another one like last week) but she did it!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Tumbling & a map

Having been without internet for 4 days I have A LOT to catch up I hope you enjoy...there's lot of fun new posts!! I took a few pics of Lilly Monday at tumbling. I only got her on the bars cause I couldn't use a flash & she was too far away. I didn't get any of Lance yet.
Look how strong!

The bars are her favorite!

Pulling herself up!!

We got a cottage to stay at while Trish visited so we could all be together. It turned out great!! Also, the weather was beautiful the whole time she was here. We spent some time outside. Lance decided that the directions from his new toy was his "map". He consulted it & headed out into the yard.

Here I go.....

You can even see him looking at it here....


So Monday night was Lilly's first soccer practice. However, it was a skills practice with every child from her age group. It was very disorganized & chaotic & she totally freaked. She ended up crying & we left after about 20 mins. I couldn't blame was a mess, she was already exhausted & it was cold. I finally heard from her coach & they had a practice this afternoon at the park we play at & she did GREAT!!! She was so happy. I hope she continues to enjoy it!!

Soccer practice

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Yesterday was my Dad's actually bday, we were celebrating Lance's bday, plus Trish was in town....sounds like a good reason to head to Lambert's for dinner!!! The kids love it (they throw the rolls at you) & the food is yummy!!
Such a gentleman....carrying Grandma's purse for her!


Even with butter all over him....he's handsome!!


Happy Birthday Dad!!

Ahoy matey!!

Lance's 3rd bday!

So my baby will be three tomorrow. Time is fast! Yesterday we celebrated with a train ride, cake, presents & then dinner at Lambert's!!! FUN!!
This is their friend Jackston (it's actually Jackson, but neither
can say it! They joined us!!

He sang & clapped for himself!!


He was ready for presents!!

Looking through his magnifying glass...CRACKS ME UP!

This was what we got's a skid steer & it moves
forwards & backwards & scoops's what he wanted
imagine that...another truck!!

Mammaw & Pappaw got him a grill!! Now
he can cook me something yummy!

Pappaw & Julie sent him a gift as well. He got it today so I
let him open it. Can you tell he is excited....check out his moves!!

New cars!!

Along with a few other things he also got a gift certificate for tumbling from Uncle Cam and a gift card from Uncle Kevin, Aunt Bobbie & Taylor!!


Grandmas Trisha visits!!!

Grandma flew in on Monday morning & flew out this afternoon. We spent our time doing our normal stuff, but sharing it with her. The kids LOVED it!! They were so excited to see her. Monday we took her to tumbling & then Lilly had her first soccer practice (which was an epic fail....that will have to be a separate post). Tuesday we went skating, too the park & bday shopping for Lance. Then, we celebrated Lance's bday yesterday & that was great!!
Grandma let Lance pick out his own gift this year!! He picked a guitar
& a little laptop computer. Here he is rocking out!!

Of course...Miss Lilly got to get something too. She picked out
a purse, wallet, fingernail polish, lip gloss & body glitter. The
funny thing is that this is EXACTLY what she got her friend
for her bday party on funny!!

It was so good to see her. THANK YOU SO MUCH GRANDMA!!! We are all so happy you came & I know Lance was happy you were happy to be here for his bday!!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Having a great time with Grandma Trisha! Details soon....

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Decisions, Decisions

Well, we finally made a housing decision. We got a 3bedroom/2bath apartment about 5 minutes from where we are now. We considering buying, renting a house  & this has turned up to be the best option for our family right now. There will be some adjusting (we are on the top floor, so noise will have to be watched) & there is no playground BUT...there is a pool & everyone will have have their own room again!! We are all very excited!!

Also, we made plans for Lance's bday. The plan to celebrate on Sat w/the model train expo may not pan out because Jeff will probably have to work & my Dad will be at work SO we are doing it on Wednesday afternoon. Grandma Trisha will be here (WHOHOO!!), my Dad & Jeff are off (WHOHOO) & a couple of the kids Lilly & Lance have been playing with can come (WHOHOO). It won't be the same as if we were in Indiana, but I think he will be super happy. I went and got some decorations, ordered his cake & got his presents tonight so I think we are all set!!

Now tomorrow I have to gear up for the busy week ahead.....LOT  TO DO!!!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

~Sweet Boy

Lance was a little monster today (more than usual). He didn't have a good nap yesterday or today & was up a little late last night. This made today an especially emotional day for him. Keep in mind a good day with him still includes at least two meltdowns. So by the end of the night I was spent. The kids stayed with my mom last night & didn't get to see Jeff. Then Jeff had to work late tonight so they didn't get to see him before bed. Lance got up to go potty about 9:30 & I sent Jeff in there so he could see him. I hear, "Hi buddy I missed you".  Then in the sweetest sleepy boy voice I hear, "I missed you too Daddy". Talk about melting a Momma's heart. All my frustration with him from the day was gone instantly. Then I can hear the "I love you's & good nights" Jeff comes down & tells me it doesn't get better than that. Lance put his arms around his neck & wrap his legs around him & gave him a big bear hug (as some of you know....Lance gives THE BEST hugs)!! He keeps me on my toes & continues to challenge me more than I ever thought possible, but I do believe he's worth it.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Lilly skated without help today. I videos it on my phone but can't upload it :'( she did it all by herself!! I looked over & she was doing it!!

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Monday, March 7, 2011


The kids stayed w/my parents Sat. night & most of yesterday (Thank you Mom & Dad!!) while Jeff & I went out to dinner & then did basically nothing yesterday. IT WAS GREAT!! Lilly didn't have school today so it was an extra day to chill. We went to the pool this morning & they swam for an hour & a half. Then after nap we headed out to find a new park. It was one of the castle like ones. I found it awhile back, but we hadn't checked it out yet. It was a BIG hit!! I didn't get many pics because they were too busy running & playing to stop!!!

They have the count on until Grandma Trisha comes & Lance's bday!!  Lilly counts it down everyday on the calendar....they are SO EXCITED!! Also, I think I have finally figured out what we are going to do for Lance's day. This has been a very stressful/difficult decision because he doesn't go to school so he doesn't have many friends to invite to a party. Also, Lilly got invited to a party the Sat (19th) in the morning & we just don't have the heart to tell her she can't I came across a flyer today & there is a model train show in town the weekend of his bday!! It is in conjunction with an arts & crafts show so we will just take the afternoon & do that. He will be happy! We went to the model train museum when we were in Chatanooga 2 years ago, but it was right after his first bday so I am sure he doesn't remember it. We promised him a train ride too so we will work that in probably while Grandma is here!!!

Where's lance??

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Friday, March 4, 2011

Mechanics at work~

Tonight while I was cooking dinner Lance decided he was going to work on his trucks. It was serious work. Lilly was all dressed up, but decided to join in. Notice the protective eyewear!!

I am not sure what's  up with him & his underwear lately. After this he turned them into his tool belt. He had several things tucked into of them being a kaladiscope. I'll just say that the placement was priceless and leave it at that. I couldn't get my camera out before he moved it!!! They funny thing is that by the time Jeff got home he had on one of Lilly's dressup skirts & a purple hat on backwards. I love that boy!!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Hot Wheels!!

Not the little cars, but the skating rink!! The local skating rink does a preschool playtime on Tuesday mornings. It is $5 per child, but I had a 2 for 1 coupon so I thought we'd give it a shot. For $5 they both got to jump in three different bounce houses, ride lots of different bikes & even attempt skating for the first time!! They had a blast & it was totally worth it. Of course Lance spent 90% of his time (no exaggeration) riding the different vehicles. You would have thought he never got to ride a bike!! They both tried everything & I was proud of them both for trying to skate. I didn't realize how loose Lilly's skates were to start so if we go back I will make sure to have them tighten before she takes off. Lance did really well though because his were already he was basically walking!!
This is a great action shot. You can tell she is trying not to fall!!
I got them tighten & she did better!

Lance's were much tighter so he could basically walk!

one of the vehicles.....

yet another one...

and another one...

Lilly on the big wheel!

the roller coaster....WEEEEEE

Her legs are so long she could barely get them up there!!


Cracks me up....Lance's head is between her legs....they are so funny!!

Lance on yet another vehicle. This was his favorite I think. They had
a boy big wheel, but it would work right so he was forced to drive
the pink/purple one. However, he didn't mind!!

We stayed the full hour & a half and then headed to IHOP for free pancakes!! YUMMY!! What a fun morning!!

*Just want to note that Lance had his pancakes with strawberry & blueberry syrup. Plus he tried Sushi Sunday night. Much like his Daddy, he is a good eater & will try anything at least once. Lilly & I are a little more reserved when it comes to food!