Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Rookie Ball- State Tournament

The state tournament was in Oxford, AL which is about 4 hours away. We stayed at a state park and had a blast!

This was their picture for their banner. They were ready to play!


It's like a sleepover with 12 boys and their families!

These sweet girls had fun too!

Baseball sisters always make good friends!

Ready for opening ceremonies & game one!



Opening ceremony

It was neat, but very HOT! I felt bad for the boys.
After the opening ceremonies we went to the mall. Jeff and the kids went to see Jurassic Park with some of the team and Lindley and I just hung out!

Let's play ball!!

They were so good!

Matching shirts!!

He played an AMAZING game. We lost by one run, but it wasn't because they didn't try. They really did their very best.

More pool time!!
We had Friday off so we decided to check out one of the waterfall hikes.

It was such a pretty hike

And totally worth it!!

They had a blast!

Even the little one!

She walked 90% of the mile hike and did a great job!


We even took a picture of us!!

My little fish!

This was neat!! We got to go up to the highest point in Alabama and what a view it was!!

Mam and Pap went too and they took them gem mining

Look what I found!

So fun!

Baseball buddies!
They ended up losing the second game and were out of the tournament. Not the way we would have liked it to go. However, they really did play well and we were very proud of them all! It was an amazing experience for Lance and we enjoyed getting to meet some new people as well.

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