Sunday, August 16, 2015

Pensacola Children's musuem and dinner!

I knew the Mess hall would only take us a couple hours so I checked out what else was close to do. Turns out there is a small children's museum nearby. It is actually more like a historical children's museum, but we thought it was worth a look see.


It has two floors. The top floor is more history based. There were a few fun things to do.

A wooden landing strip!

Haha!! It said to pose with the toy car and Lilly barely fit!

Just her size!

A magnetic fishing game.

In the Native American room they turned the canoe into a bed!

They weren't super interested in the history stuff, but loved the first floor!
Captain Lindley!

Raising the flags.

Hiding his guns under the bed

Raising the flags.

gathering food.

Working hard

Ahoy matey!

LOOK OUT....she's got a gun!

They were very busy and didn't stop for many pictures. They were having a blast.

BAHA!! Look at her eye!!

Aren't they adorable???

Captain Lilly!!

We had fun just watching them play!!

Jeff buying some food from Lindley's trading post!

Lilly paying Lindley!

Honestly they weren't ready to leave!! It wasn't very big, but they LOVED it!! It was a nice surprise.
Kacki and Dennie have been at Orange Beach this week and we hadn't had a chance to visit. We decided to meet up for dinner!

We took them to our favorite....Cobalt! Aunt Kacki with her great nephew/nieces!!

The whole crew!! We enjoyed a yummy dinner and visited. It's always good to have visitors!

As I paid for our desserts to go on the way out of the restaurant I noticed a box of jelly belly's. They were the bean boozled box. I had seen this a few weeks ago and knew we had to try it!

Each bean can either have the traditional yummy taste of a nasty taste. You don't know until you try it!
We were crying laughing! The kids went first and we thought they were exaggerating. Then I tried the chocolate pudding/canned dog food one.....needless to say it wasn't pudding!! Jeff finally caved and tried the licorice/skunk one and he didn't have good luck either!!! We kept going and tried every flavor. The baby wipes and toothpaste weren't bad. Lilly and Jeff said lawn clippings were ok too. The barf was AWFUL! Lindley was the only one smart enough not to try them. It was nasty, but so fun. I have no idea how they make them taste like that, but you can't even understand until you try!

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