Sunday, August 16, 2015

Pensacola Mess Hall

Jeff was off this weekend so we wanted to do something fun for the end of summer. The weather wasn't supposed to be great so we wanted indoors, but not bowling or anything like that. A friend of mine had told me at the beginning of summer about the Pensacola Mess Hall (Math, Experiments, Science and Stuff). It sounded like a cool place so we decided to check it out!

It's an open room with tables/exhibits and then they have kits you can get and do as well (like mini science experiments).
This was the river exhibit. It has sand like stuff and you move it to make a path for the water. Very cool!

Of course the marble wall was a BIG HIT!

Even Lindley made one!

Jeff and Lilly playing a peg game.

More marble roll. (This is like a dream for him. He is always making these at home out of whatever he can find).

Riding a bike to power the lights!!

Making some music!

Just playing!

They loved this one! Wind blowing the ball up in the air. They all said they were magic!

Working a kit!

Jeff and Lance working a kit. Identifying minerals.

Building a tower.


Look closely!

This room was cool. Tons of these planks to build with. We had a challenge to see who could make the tallest tower. I think Lilly & Lance tied. Lilly's fell first so we aren't sure.

Back to the river...

Cleaning it up.

This was probably Lindley's favorite. We made a parachute and these tubes had air blowing through them.

She must have done it 50 times. She kept saying "fly time".

I asked her how it was flying and she said, "air". I was impressed with that!

Lance making his parachute!

Lilly watching her parachute fly.

Lindley wasn't happy about leaving and didn't want to cooperate for a picture. These two gave it a thumbs up!

It was very inexpensive and so much fun! We will go back for sure!!

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