Sunday, August 23, 2015

First Week of School!

We all had mixed feelings about school starting. I will say I was more ready this year than I have been in the past. It was a long, busy summer and the kids and I didn't get much of a break from each other.

They were ready to go!

HOLY MOLY!!! 4th grade & a new school!!

He has grown so much in the last year! Not a baby anymore!

Looking stylish!

Our carpool crew!! What a bunch!

Lilly walking in like she owns the place!
Everyone had a great first day and loved their teachers!

I am trying so hard to let Lindley's bangs grow out, but it is slow going....

I braided it the other day and it was precious. Of course it lasted about 5 minutes. 

Lindley's first day of school was Tuesday. I was out of town, but she was so ready!

Isn't she precious??

So big!!

She had a great day and was happy to be back!

On Friday Lindley and I went to eat with Lilly. She was happy to have visitors and it was nice to spend a little time with her. Of course Lindley was just happy to see all her friends!
Friday night Lance had Brody over for a sleepover. (We tried a few weeks ago and Lance wasn't feeling well.) They were so good and had a blast. I don't think I had to get on to them one time! We may have finally made that transition to big boys!! It is usually hectic and stressful when he has friends over. They played outside and on the XBOX and just giggled!

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