Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Other June adventures!

As usual...we stay busy!!
Hanging out with the Callahans is always fun!

I LOVE that she still loves her American Girl dolls!

Sweet neighbors brought Lance a coke!

Making a fruit pizza

She personalized each piece!

Beach day!

My beach baby

Coppertone baby!
Hard life!

Sweet sisters!

Lots of trips to Mr. Gene beans!

The donut float was a big hit!

So fun!

A little science experiment

They were amazed!


We checked out the new splash pad/park!

It was so hot!

So they had to cool off!

Silly kids!

Lindley loved it!

So big!

and silly


Lilly has had a TON of playdates/sleepovers this summer. Lance struggles with things being fair. It's just harder with 7 year old boys. I did let Marley come over one evening and they had  good time.

Ladderball is always fun!

Of course....I get visitors a lot when Jeff is working during the summer. I don't mind most nights.

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