Sunday, August 16, 2015

Pool, Train Museum & haircuts!

Hard to believe tomorrow is the first day of school! We have managed to squeeze a few things in the past couple of weeks!

A relaxing afternoon at the pool.

Just trying to stay cool!!

We finally made it to the train museum in Foley. (It has been on my list to do since we moved here, but they are only open a couple days a week and I forget about it).

They LOVED it!!

This old guy was funny. He let them blow the whistle and talked their heads off!

They do have a little train you can ride on, but it wasn't running. The kids were disappointed, but still really enjoyed it.
We headed to get haircuts after the museum.

Lilly's had been braided the day before and was looking CRAZY!

We got that taken care of though!! Took about 3 inches off. Looks so healthy and she says it fells much better!

Lance just got his trimmed and shaped up. Loving his Mohawk!!


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