Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The ultimate tent!!

So it is INSANELY hot today. We went to storytime this morning at the library, had lunch & then rest time (Lance refused to nap). Then we headed out to hunt for some cheap sheets(I am wanting to make the kids a tent for each of their rooms). The hunt was fruitless & the kids (& I) were miserably hot. They wanted to swim, but I just wasn't feeling it. So I made a compromise......the ultimate tent!! I started & was having trouble getting it big enough (wanted to make sure they each had enought room) & then I realized I have the easiest ready made roof (my curtains)!!! CHECK IT OUT!!
They have a little sunroof on each side!!

The center is really tall...I tried to tell them this could be their "living room" but Lilly made it her room.

Lance has this little corner....he is happy with it!!

Here's hoping they play in here the rest of the afternoon!!

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