Sunday, June 5, 2011

I'm back....

I've been MIA for a few days. I haven't been feeling very good. I think it was allergies/sinus. It started Thursday evening & was on & off Friday, but yesterday I felt pretty bad all day. I am feeling much better today so hopefully it's passed.

Friday Lilly went on  her first playdate away from home. Her friend Graycie's mom (that she took skating) called Friday morning & said they were going swimming at the local pool & invited Lilly to go. Lilly was super excited!! They brought her home after taking her for some lunch. Graycie has twin brothers that are almost 10. So Lance was so excited to get to play with them for awhile. They had a blast!!! They are small for their age & I think they were shocked at how strong he is!!

I went to another coupon class yesterday morning. Not sure I really learned anything new, but it was a good refresher. I think I am making progress. Slowly, but surely. While I was at the class Jeff took the kids to Home Depot for their kids workshop. They love that!!

Today it stormed & finally rained. However, our power went out for awhile so we headed to Mammaw's. The kids haven't been there in forever so they were happy!! They played & we did baths & they had breakfast for dinner!!

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