Sunday, June 19, 2011


I had a wonderful weekend with my girls!! Leah & Jess actually surprised me & arrived Wed. night around 11pm. They had told me they weren't going to get here until the wee hours in the morning, but then called & were here!! We had a blast just hanging out & spending time together. I only have a few pictures because I was too busy having fun!! I am so thankful to have such wonderful friends!!
This was Friday night, which was "Girls Night". We went out just the 3 of us!!

 We went to a little restaurant down on a marina & they have live music. We sat outside listened to music & even did a little dancing (I know your shocked)!!!

This was this morning before we headed to breakfast. Although we had 3 full days, it just went too fast!!
THANK YOU GIRLS!! I had a blast!!

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