Thursday, June 2, 2011

Some funny stories....

Ok so my kids had me in stitches most of this evening so I have to share

1. We were out at dinner & Lilly kept sliding down in the booth. Jeff & I both had told her several times to sit up. So for about the 13th time I looked at  her and say, "Please sit up". She jumps up frantically & looks around saying, "Where? Where?" I am confused for a minute & then I realize she thinks I said, "Police sit up!!!!" So I start laughing can't talk, tears rolling down my face laughing. Jeff is trying to figure out what happened & I can't even tell him. I finally get it out & we are all laughing. I am laughing as I type this. I guess you just had to she her reaction. She instantly sat straight up like the police were gonna get her. was so funny!!

2. Jeff's phone has been MIA all day. We both recalled seeing on the floor by the couch, but it was no where to be found. So out of the blue as we are looking Lance says, "I think it's in my room". We both ask why it would be in there. Of course he changes his story & says he doesn't know where it is. So the day goes on Jeff looks some more. This time Lance looks behind the tv stand & says, "I think it's back there". Again we both ask why it would be there & does he have it. To which we are told no. So after the kids are in bed I tell Jeff we really need to find the phone. So we start looking again. I asked Jeff if he looked in Lance's grill. He states he didn't & asks why. I told him that Lance had been playing with a bunch of stuff & shoving it in there. So about this time Lance gets up & needs something. I ask him "Did you have Daddy's phone?" Of course I get "No". So I go through the it's ok if you did, but we need it...blah blah. So since he is up I go in his room & look in the bottom of the grill.....any guesses what I found???? THE PHONE!! I look at him & say, "Didn't have it hun?" To which he just grins....BOY R WE IN TROUBLE!!!!!!

3. I walk out of my room tonight right after the kids are in bed (just prior to incident #2 above) & look in Lilly's room. I see a little glow. So I go in there & see that she has her IPod out playing games!!!!!!!! Seriously....what are we gonna do with these sneaky kids???

They keep us on our toes for sure!

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