Friday, June 24, 2011

Cars 2

Disney has been showing previews of Cars 2 on overload the past week. The kids have been waiting to see it. They saw a commerical for the first one that was on Tuesday night & thought it was the new one. I explained it came out Friday. So of course this morning when the saw the commerical they were begging to go. I had talked to my mom about it, but wasn't sure if it was something we would do this weekend or not. Mom offered to take us today, her treat!! Sign me up ....I'm there!

The kids were super excited & had a blast. Although it was right before lunch & nap & Lance fell asleep for the last 20 minutes or so! Poor kid. Then we headed to Chick-fil-A (is there any place else??) for a late lunch. We got home in time to visit with Daddy for a bit before he had to leave!! This is last night then four days off & back to days!! WHOHOOO!! I miss him a lot, but the kids REALLY miss him. They are happy to have him for 4 days!!

It was a great day! Thanks Mammaw for the treat, we all had a blast!!

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