Thursday, June 30, 2011

Guess what we did today??

We swam all day!! We were out there by 10:15, came up for lunch around 12:15. Lance went down for a nap & Lilly went back with my mom at 1. Lance & I went back when he got up from nap around 2:30 & we stayed until a little after 4!!

Even with repeated sunscreen her little cheeks are pink!!! 
She is now taking showers which is CRAZY!! However, it's nice cause after swimming she will go in & take one. This is how she came out today. She has on socks & slippers! LOL!

Of course he isn't pink. Just brown as a bun!! Even though he didn't get to be out as much he still had a blast. He is doing REALLY well swimming without his floaties. He stays close to the steps & now can swim down & get the dive toys!! Such a big boy.
It was nice to just chill out & spend the day with my kids(& Mom) & the water!!

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