Tuesday, June 21, 2011

No more curls!

I know I am in BIG trouble with several people for this, but it was time to cut Lance's hair. He wanted it short so that's what I did. I really like it, but have to admit it makes me a little sad. He looks like such a BIG boy!! I know it will grow back & I am pretty sure the curls will come back as well.
It looks shorter than it is because it is laying so flat. He kept making goofy faces!
Doesn't he have a cute little head! Look at those eyes....they look SO big without all the hair!

The sides are a little shorter. You can see that it can still be combed over.

This is the top, notice his arms....he had his fingers in his mouth making a funny face & wouldn't hold still so I had to grab his head!!

I hope those of you so upset (Grandma & Uncle Cam) will see how cute he is & know that this is what he wanted & it will keep him cooler!

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