Tuesday, August 26, 2014

First day of school 2014!!

The summer was so fun and busy, but it went SO fast!! Looking back to the beginning of summer...when we went on our trip and everyone got sick...yeah...remember that? Seems like it was just yesterday.

Here he is....ready to go!! Look out first grade!!!

Lilly's last year at the elementary school. The big third grader!

So sweet!

I love this one!!

They both have teachers new to the school. Lance's teacher (Miss Johnson) is brand new right out of college. Lilly's teacher (Mrs. G...it's too difficult to spell) is not a new teacher but new to the school.

Yes...the first day of school. I did not buy any white polos last year. He had one he would wear sometimes. This year I bought one......this is why! He fell on the track...

We braided her hair one day the first week.

So adorable!!

On the third day of school Lance got a smile in his folder and a "such a good boy". We started carpooling on day four (because our car line is insane but that's another story). Anyway, I wrote a note to his teacher to make sure she knew it was a permanent change. This is the note I got back.....he already has her snowed. LOL! I know he is a good boy, but it just cracked me up!!
Overall, week one was a success and they have done great this week so far. They both have new people in their classes so will be making new friends I am sure. However, they do get to see some of their friends at PE and recess. I am hoping for a great school year!!
(also my last year with kids in one school....not looking forward to that....)

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