Tuesday, August 26, 2014

New Park!!

Our community park has been down since late spring. It was a cool wooden park, but old and not very safe. So they tore it down and got a brand new park, including a splash pad!!! We have been anxiously awaiting it's opening and finally the Saturday before school started it opened!!!

They have an area just for toddlers.

Lindley loved it!

This rocking boat was her favorite.

The area underneath is padded!!

Oh Boy!!

This thing is a favorite for sure!! My monkeys loved it!!


Feels good on a hot day!


This was like an hour after it opened so it was BUSY!!

This is my favorite!! I WANT ONE!!

Lilly and Ellie Grace being silly!!

We would play a while, then cool off!

She also loves to swing!!

Look at those legs!!

It was so much fun we went back that evening...it was the last night of summer break! I had to squeeze in as much fun as I could right??

Here is a shot of the big play area. I was with Lindley during the day and it was packed so I didn't get any pictures. These slides are HUGE!!

Swinging with my little! So sweet!

Of course had to get some Mr. Gene's beans one last time before school!

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