Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Beach Day with Nono!!

We were so excited to go to the beach with Nono and Mam!! It was a perfect day! Great weather, water was nice and the kids had a blast!!

The water was so clear...they were trying to catch fish!

SO good to visit with Nono!! Miss her so much!!

Having fun!!

Busy looking for fish still!

Look at that water!! AMAZING!!

HAAH....Mam bough floats....I thought they were gonna pass out!! Lindley just hanging out waiting patiently!

This little monsters....trying to get a pick and look what they do!!



So fun!!

She is a brave girl!

opps...in the face!

Lilly loves when we have visitors. She loves hanging with Nono!

Yay Jeff got to go too!! So nice to spend the day as a family!!

Lance and Mam hung out on these floats for a long time. Mam said he was just talking to her. So sweet!!

We headed home before Nono and Mam and stopped at Lambert's for dinner! YUMMY!!!
A day at the beach really is relaxing for us. (as long as the water isn't too rough). The kids have a sense of freedom and love the open space. We are actually able to sit down and breath. So lucky to live so close!!

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