Tuesday, August 26, 2014

End of swim and City Meet

So I was out of town and Jeff was working for the end of year swim party. Luckily, Mam & Pap were kind enough to suffer through the heat and take them!

Lilly's end of year medal!

Lance got a trophy again this year!
Best Sportmanship boys

Lilly got first place in two of her heats at City meet!!!

So proud of her!!

Lance ended up getting third place in his age group!!!


The top 6 & under boys and girls with coaches!

He really didn't think he was getting a trophy. He was totally surprised.

So sweet!!!
Below are their results from city. These are the results from anyone in their age group that did that event. So it may have been three heats. So while Lance got second or third in his heats, he got third overall. That is because he was in the fastest heat for his age group. Lilly won a couple of heats, but placed 10th overall. That is because she was in the second fastest heat.

Phinn Waters, the kid he usually comes in second to swims year round. Lance improved greatly this summer, but just couldn't quite beat him.

Lilly got fifth in the free.

Third for Lance's back.

This was only like the second or third time she had done breast. We were so proud of her for doing it and finishing. Even if it was 15th.

Third again for the 50 for Lance

I think this was Lilly's 50 free

Lance did the fly again...he started out with free so I thought he would get DQ'd, but he didn't. He came in 8th. BUT this is 7 & under. They don't do fly in the 6 & under! GO LANCE!

Lilly got 9th in fly.

Lilly 9th in back

This shows Lilly's place overall, 10th! Not bad!!
I guess I didn't get a picture of Lance's, but he got third!
We are so proud of them and all their hard work!! It really has been amazing to see them work so hard and do so well!!

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