Monday, September 1, 2014

Labor Day Weekend!

I was out of town Thursday and Friday, but luckily made it in late Friday night with no issues!! Saturday we got up and went to order a new couch, then came home and watched football all day.

They were excited, but got tired of being told to stay with us and sit down! It is supposed to be delivered on Friday.

We got a new recliner too!

They were ready for game day!! Of course they didn't watch much, but Lilly made some decorations and they were excited Bama won!

Lance went over to Brody's Saturday afternoon so the girls had some time together! So cute to watch them play.
We went to pick up Lance and the girls were mad they didn't get to play longer!

Spider-Man attack!! Lance is on the took me a minute to figure it out!

Sunday we got up and headed to the park. We went early to beat the heat and the crowd! This was his hammock!

I WANT ONE OF THESE!!'s the best!!

I swear he is part monkey!!

These crack m up!! You can almost hear the screams....


So much fun!!

Playing some music!

Isn't he adorable??

The Nelson's met us at the park. The girls were excited to see each other, but kept going in opposite directions!

Water fun!
No sooner than we got home and sat down for lunch it started pouring! We timed it perfect!! 

Lindley LOVES to fix hair. She will brush Jeff's forever!

Jeff built some shelves in the garage awhile back and the kids got the leftover wood. They finally decided they wanted to make an animal house (for bugs and lizards). Lance was very excited to finally work on it! It's almost done!

Lindley is really starting to enjoy pretend play.

She went and got her barn...notice the toilet and crib? Hilarious!!! (She has a house...just decided the barn was better today)

The girls and I ran to Wal-mart for a few groceries Sunday night....always loads of fun!

I've been thinking about implementing chores with the kids. They have certain things they are expected/asked to do on a regular basis and others that we will pay them for. However, we have never really had a visual of it. So I decided to make charts for them. They have fours things they HAVE to complete each week. The others are chores they can do for money. However, they won't get paid if they haven't done the others. There is no specific day because I wanted it to be flexible and low maintenance. I also reserve the right to move a chore back to "to do" (for will probably clean your room more than once a week). We will see how it works...they were excited today because they wanted to earn money. Hopefully they keep that up!

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