Saturday, September 27, 2014

Busy again!!

Well I enjoyed a few weeks of calm and then it was back to the busy life!! I accepted a job as a part-time merchandiser with Scholastic Book Fairs, agreed to assist with a large project for my other job (uploading data), baseball started, I had a trip to New Mexico and Lilly's birthday!! WHEW!

The job with Scholastic if very part-time and seasonal. I will work from Aug-Dec and Feb-Apr or so. I will work with schools in Baldwin and Mobile County to setup and run their book fair. Basically I am just a local contact. A lot of them don't need assistance, but I am here just in case. If I don't help setup I will stop by and visit them during their fair and make sure everything is ok. I am VERY excited about it! I got to help setup my first fair this week and I LOVED it.

I had to drive to Baton Rouge a couple weeks ago to sign papers for Scholastic. I was on my way there and looked what pulled on the interstate right in front of me!

I had to get some pictures!

Since I was in Louisiana I thought I'd stop for some Saints gear. This is his first official football jersey!! He was SO happy.


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