Saturday, September 27, 2014

~Lilly's 9th Birthday~

We celebrated Lilly's last weekend with a Donut Pajama Party!! She invited 5 girls and we had a BLAST!!!

Ready for her guests! The sign says, "Lilly's Donut Shoppe". Uncle Cam got her the giant donut! It's a float and she LOVES it!!

She is so grown up!

So this whole theme came from Lilly searching on the internet. She found some pajama party stuff and then I some how came across the donut and pajama party. The minute I told her she was SOLD! I had a ton of ideas and most of them were pretty easy.

I bought the printable decorations online from ETSY...they were adorable!

The idea for the donut topiary and donut cake from pinterest.

She really liked it all!

The guests arrive and have some dinner!

Harper came to play too. Lance was at the Brody's all day/night! He didn't want to participate.
After dinner it was time for games and we had plenty!

First up...the piñata!

I am not sure why, but piñata's are the best!

They all went right for it!
Next up....bean bag toss...

They split themselves into two team...

They were competitive....

So serious!!
Then it was time for the donut on a spoon!

I didn't test any of the games before hand so I was a little nervous they would flop, but this one was a hit!!

We did rounds with the last person to cross the line with their donut sitting down.


We played like three times!

Watching their friends!
Our last outside activity was donut on a string. I came across this and mentioned it to Lilly. Once I said it she was determined we were doing it. I told her I didn't think we had any place to do it. She told me to use the ceiling fans and lights! LOL Jeff decided the garage would probably be better!

She was ready!

They don't know what to expect.


I wish I had gotten video.

Lindley decided to just hold hers!

Harper pulled hers off!



Ellie Grace kept licking it! Jeff finally helped her get it to stop spinning!

Madison was on a roll!

Look at that tongue!

Lilly did pretty good!

CRACKING UP!!! Ellie was trying so hard not to use her hands!

The last game was donut stacking...

again I hadn't tried this, but it was fun!

Lilly won with 8 I think!


Then they enjoyed a few!!


Then is was cake time...well sorta!

We sang...

she blew out her candle...

and then they decorated donuts!

They really got into it!

Serious stuff!

They had to go boxes and got to do two donuts!


Sweet birthday girl!

I'm pretty sure Murphy's weighed 10lbs!


Then it was time for presents!

She got several gift cards a few little things. She was very happy!
Next up??? Karaoke of course!!

So much fun!!

Notice who is right in the middle.....she had a blast!!

Twister time....

Hair time....

so fun!!
I put a movie on and two were asleep by 11. Another was out by the end of the movie about 11:40. The other three.....made it till 1:45 or so! They were quite for the most part and were good.
Of course the next morning we had DONUTS!

We made donut kabobs. We didn't get to them the night before.

Lilly ate hers!


Their to go boxes and kabobs!


Topiary! (This was WAY EASY)
On Monday she was actually 9 and I swear she woke up bigger!

So sweet!

More presents after school!

She had already opened part of her present from Grandma (gift card), but she got her precious moments! She's already found it a spot!



Gifts from Pappaw and Julie!

I'd say she was happy!

Introducing McKenna to Caroline

Lindley joining in the fun!

Gifts from Mammaw & Pappaw!

She got the matching pj's for Caroline!

A tote!


I LOVE this picture!! She is growing so fast, but I love this sweet, little girl sitting with her American Girl dolls!!
Overall, I'd say it was a huge successful birthday. I can't believe it's been 9 years!! Thank you to everyone that sent her a gift and best wishes!! It means a lot to her!

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