Sunday, December 22, 2013

The past two weeks...

Since we got back things have been BUSY! Prepping for Christmas, school parties, AR, cheer practice, tumbling and more! Here's a sneak peek!

Pony tail!! Or stub!! LOL

Such a big girl! she loves this backpack! It was Lilly's but I've been using it for her. 

These nesting Santa's were a gift when I first started teaching. I might have even still been in college and working at Lanesville...can't remember. Anyway, all of my kids have loved them! So much fun!

This makes me happy! The tree, stockings, packages, mantle...just love it all!!

Before going to see Santa

Goodness....they are beautiful!

We totally tricked Lindley and pulled the paci moments before this picture. She wasn't having any part, but at least we got a picture!!

The mohawk after the pony!

Field trip to the library for a story and craft! Beautiful job!

Christmas parties & pjs at school. She was right in the middle of everything and they just took good care of her!! So sweet!

Snuggles with this girl. Don't happen much lately. Love it when it does!

Cookie party with some friends! Look at her with all those boys!

We let the older kids (2nd grade and up) judge the cookies. It was so funny! They really got in to it. One of them was taking it very seriously and couldn't decide between two of them so voted for both! CRACK ME UP!!

There were six woman....12 kids (2 are missing, they are older and didn't want to come)...notice....only 3 girls! Two of which are mine! The funny thing is that these friends are from Lilly's kindergarten class. Lilly, Madison, Mitchell (right beside Madison), Warren (hanging on the swing) and Walker (right behind Lilly) were in kindergarten together. They were good friends and the moms became good friends. They are all still friends, but haven't been back in class together since. The moms are now some of my good friends!! We tease that we will hanging out for at least the next 10 years or so! They are a great group of kids and we had a BLAST plus we got yummy goodies to bring home!!

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