Sunday, December 15, 2013

Magic Kingdom Day 1

So here goes....we had an AMAZING trip to Disney. The kids were good (minus a few moments), the weather was perfect and we made a ton of memories!!! We drove down Sunday and stayed outside of the park. We got up early and headed to our hotel. Luckily our room was ready so we were able to go ahead and take our bags up.

We were so excited to show the kids the room!! Cars theme and it was AWESOME!!!

This is a fold down bed.

Fold out couch.


Lance found some "ears"!!

We made it!!! There it is!! AMAZING!!

First up....the carousal

Lindley wasn't sure and kept laying her head on Jeff's! Right after this we say the step mother and step sisters from Cinderella. The rode the next time!

It was on to the tea cups!!!

I love this!! Lance was sliding and you can barely see him!! Later in the afternoon it was time for our first character meal! Pooh & Friends!!




And Pooh!! Lindley didn't like them, but was fine as long as they kept their distance. We didn't force her. Some of them would talk to her and then laugh when she fussed at them!!

Waiting for Pirates of the Caribbean! Aren't they precious??

We let them choose which ever ears they wanted. Shocking she picked pink and shiney!

Classic for the boy!

Well....we picked Lindley's!! Pink and a bow!!

Lance chose this light saber the first day and had to show off his skills!!!
 We got to ride most everything we wanted...including Space Mountain!! They loved it! I honestly thought they would chicken out. We got a fast pass so they didn't have to wait and they both had a blast!!
Day 1=Success!!

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