Monday, December 16, 2013


Thursday was Epcot. Originally we weren't planning on going to Epcot, but the princess meal we wanted to do was there and I heard there were a few great things for the kids. Overall, I don't think they loved it as much, but there were some really neat things there.

The night before in the elevator we had some people tell us if you go to the gift shop early and you can dress Ariel. So when we went down I looked and sure enough she hadn't been changed yet. So we asked and Lilly got to dress her!! She had a little wardrobe to pick from!

She picked a pink dress...shocking! Dressed and brushed her hair.

Doesn't she look lovely?

They even gave her a certificate. She sat on a shelf behind the register all day....picture later...

A little music time!

So fun!

Finally....the mouse!! They were very excited to finally get his signature!

What a crew!



These guys were funny. We didn't see much but it was neat!

Waiting for lunch with the Princesses!


Snow White...she was amazing. She didn't walk she glided...very sweet.




They saw some people trying to hold the ball. This wasn't the best spot, but Jeff tried. I thought they looked good!

So cute1

Epcot wasn't a whole day so we spent some time at the hotel and finally got to look around. It had four different areas. We were in Cars, but they had Little Mermaid, Nemo and Lion King.

Beware....lots of posed pictures....this was all them...they are ate up!

This one cracks me up!


We hit up the pool for a bit. It was cooler than they expected, but they had fun. Afterwards we finished exploring and even visited the arcade. Lots to do!


Aren't they BEAUTIFUL?

She loves water...unless it's the tub.





Yes....she's rocking jammies and sandals! They have a little play area....of course she had to slide a few hundred times!

My prince!



Hakuna Matata


I forgot to get this picture in the morning. Ariel sat on the shelf with this sign all day. SO COOL! Lilly doesn't do princesses much anymore and really wasn't all that interested in the princess dining. However, she really got into it and enjoyed. She had to get a tiara on Tuesday and wore it the rest of the week. Everyone kept calling her Princess and she loved it. I was so glad she let herself be little and have fun. Belle has always been her favorite and I finally figured out why. She has dark hair. We talked about Lilly working at Disney as a princess. She said she could only be Belle cause of her hair. I explained it was a wig and she could be whichever she wanted. So sweet!

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