Friday, December 20, 2013

Animal Kingdom

Our last day was spent at Animal Kingdom. The kids enjoyed it and Jeff and I did as well.
We saw Rafiki as we were walking in!

He is my animal lover. He had to pet every animal.

I know he would love a's coming I'm sure...

There are lots of pictures of lots of animals....ENJOY!


This is the Expedition Everest roller coaster. Lilly didn't like it. It went backwards at one point and there is a Yeti!

They all loved the play area.

She loves to slide!

Notice the pen on his nose!

Russ and Dug from UP!

Playing some drums

I LOVE this picture! Donald is kissing Lilly and Lance is just all snuggled in! Precious!

Dancing with Goofy!

Mickey again!

Daisy!!! We had tried to see her a few other times, but lines were long and we didn't wait. Lilly feels that Daisy is left out a lot and said she probably gets upset about that. I explained that maybe Daisy didn't like all the attention!! :-)

Lindley still wasn't having it!

Silly Goofy!

Playing Peek-A-Book with Lindley!!

This is the start of the Jingle Jungle Parade. It was AWESOME!!! I LOVED it and I am so glad we made a point to see it. It was hands down one of my favorite parts of the week!

Look at the elephant!
A giraffe


Check out his mouth

Chip N Dale

Check out Minnie's jeep!! How cool!!

Blowing kisses!

Lance slept through this parade, but this guy (I'm not sure who he is) kept trying to wake him up (just acting like he was roaring). Then he waved his hand (like forget it) and went on! So funny!

Santa Goofy!

Such cool floats!

There's Donald!

Check out the ice cream in his boat!

Look at the tongue coming out!! Several of the animals did this!


So fun!!! This parade had great music and great floats! It was so much fun!!!

The tree of life!


This was a great ride...but again Lilly didn't care for it. The dinosaurs scared her.

You would randomly see people "sweeping". This is what they would do. It's Pluto


A picture with Santa Goofy and Pluto!

The last thing we did was go see The Lion show. It was AMAZING!!! Lance got to help out at the beginning by leading our group with saying what a giraffe says.

He said he didn't know what they said. It was so cute! She said she didn't either and told him what to say.

Here he is leading us in it!!

SO COOL & up close!



These little monkeys were so funny and did some amazing things!

At the end the kids were able to get up and dance around. Of course Lance did and Lilly didn't (this is a pattern if you haven't noticed).

So cute!!

What a way to end our week!!!
After a week of fun, laughter, exhaustion and magic it came to an end. It went so quickly and we can't wait to go back!! We made a LOT of great memories!!
My brother made this video to helps remember!

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