Monday, December 23, 2013

Cookies, buckeyes and fudge...Oh my!!

Yesterday was our annual cookie and candy day! It's one of my favorite traditions!
He was so excited. He had been asking for a few days. 

Lindley was napping so I really didn't have to do much. They pretty much have it down.
Working hard

Good job Lance

So careful

Isn't she lovely?

Silly boy

The mess is the best part!

She got a little on her face

Lindley got to help decorate! She wasn't sure what we were doing at first.....


She figured it out and preferred to eat the sprinkles!

Aren't they wonderful? 

Fudge time!

It's a team effort!

I had some chocolate leftover from the buckeyes so I told Lance he could cover some pretzels. He had fun and actually did quite a few!

They don't look pretty, but they taste good!

He got a little chocolate on him!

I have made fudge and cookies at Christmas every year for a long time. My mom taught me and and usually helps (she was there just not in any pics) and I am now teaching my kids. I LOVE that we have this tradition and I hope that the kids continue to enjoy and participate!!

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