Sunday, December 22, 2013

More Disney...

I didn't take many pictures with my phone. I tried to stay off of it as much as possible, but I did get a few good ones!

On the road and ready to go!!

One tired boy!

One of his souvenirs.

I couldn't decide what to get Lindley. One she saw Lance's semi she was in love! Found this train and she was one happy girl!

Lilly got a tiara and a charm bracelet

On the bus back to the hotel after Epcot....he was tired!

Waiting on the parade at Animal kingdom

This is a picture of a picture. We got a picture with our princess. I was so excited that it was Belle because that's Lilly's favorite, but she wasn't super friendly. She didn't really even talk to her. Plus...not to be mean, but she looks kinda manly. Lilly didn't seem to mind, but I was a bit disappointed. :-(

I can't get this to turn, but this is my favorite!! Totally captures the experience!!

On the way home Lilly got Lance and Lindley's cars and was talking and playing. So sweet!

She doesn't do this too often anymore :-(

I saw this Christmas train and talk to Jeff about getting it. He told me to, but I never did. Just got busy and kind of forgot. Right before we left we had to take the stroller back to the hotel and Jeff hadn't gotten anything yet so he ran in to get a t-shirt. He came back with this for me!! It's hard to see but Mickey and Minnie are ice skating on the caboose. There are other characters in the windows. The kids LOVE it and we do to!! It's the perfect keepsake to remember our trip!

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