Monday, December 16, 2013

Hollywood Studios

On Wednesday we slept in a bit and then headed to Hollywood Studios. The kids were tired and I'm not sure anything could have lived up to two days at Magic Kingdom, but we still had a good time!
They LOVED Honey I Shrunk the Kids play area!

Such a good sister!

She loves to slide!

Big Girl

Again with the cheese...she saw someone else take a picture and made Jeff take one of her!

Miss Piggy!

Back lot tour!

So sweet!



Lunch Disney Junior friends! Handy Manny!




Lance dancing and Lindley trying, but kinda worried. Notice her hands!!

Sleepy girl!

Beauty and the Beast!

Gaston was a HUGE guy!

Be our Guest!


Such a good show!!

Yup...the rode Tower of Terror. Although neither of them really liked it. They acted like they did, but didn't want to ride again!

Stunt show and McQueen showed up! Lots of fun!

Jeff got to be an "extra" for Indiana Jones!

He was so excited!

So neat!

The Osborne Light Show. It is set to music...very cool!

Merry Christmas!!
Jeff & I screwed up and didn't get them to Toy Story Mania which is one of the most popular rides for kids their age. However, overall I think they had a great day!! Jeff and I got to ride "Rockin' Roller Coaster" which was my favorite part!! I was so glad I got to take him on it. Lilly was big enough, but not interested. Lance wasn't tall enough so it worked out.

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