Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Family Day at the Fair!!

Jeff's work had family day Sunday at the Gulf State Fair. We got free parking, admission & unlimited free rides!!! They also had a tent setup w/food!! IT WAS GREAT!!! Jeff was able to get off tonight so after two hours of sleep he was a trooper & went w/us! We had a blast! The kids rode LOTS of rides!!


Daddy had to ride lots of rides with Lance!!

Lilly & Kayla on Dumbo!

Lance, Jeff, Kayla & Mom on the roller coaster.

Kayla & Lance on the slide!!

You can see Kayla, Lilly & Lance coming out of the obstacle course!

This was funny. These silver things slid back & forth. He stood there for a minute. We told him to walk & he said, "I can't". It cracked us up. He finally figured it out!

Nachos & hot dogs!! Yummo!

Face painting!!!

Pretty girl!!

Crazy thought...them driving mom around!!

hard to see, but Jeff, Lilly & Lance are on this.

Lilly is up there somewhere...just wanted you to see what she rode. She did so good!!!

On a side note we have also been in Alabama one year this past weekend! Hard to believe it has been that long. We have come a long way in the past year. Thanks again for everyone that helped get us to this point.

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