Sunday, November 6, 2011

16 sleeps!!

It's only 16 sleeps till we leave for Indiana! We are all VERY excited. Looking forward to seeing everyone!!

We had a good weekend even though Jeff had to work all weekend. We stayed home ALL day Saturday & I cleaned the entire house, which included rearranging the kids rooms & got all the laundry done which included all bed sheets!!! It felt good to have everything done at's been awhile since that has happened.

Then today we headed out to start our Christmas shopping, but didn't have much luck. Although I did find Lance some shirts on clearance at Old Navy & can honestly say he needed some. Lilly also picked out a onesie & some sandals for baby girl!! She was so excited & wanted to buy more (they were on clearance as well). I explained that we had plenty of time to get her more clothes.

We headed to the park to play before coming home to relax for the evening.

Hope everyone had a great weekend!!


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