Saturday, November 19, 2011

Movie in the street

This morning I took Lilly to an orientation for cheerleading. She got to try on a uniform and learn one cheer. She seemed excited so hopefully she enjoys it!!

Then we headed to the park for a bday party. This was a party for a boy in her class. She was the only girl for awhile & went right off to play with all the boys!! Another girl from her class came & then they played, but she had no problem hanging with the boys.

We got home & relaxed for a bit. Then it was off to the movie in the street!! It is very cool they setup a giant screen & play The Polar Express. No sooner than we got there a little boy from Lilly's class (one that was at the party earlier in the day) saw her & asked her to come sit with him. So she took her chair and was gone. When we got home I asked her if it was a date & she told me no. I asked if he tried to hold her hand or kiss her & she just giggled and said no. She did tell me that he told said, "you are my best, best, best, best, best, friend"!!! How sweet is that??

The funny thing about this little boy is that when we went to the fair for Jeff's work we discovered that his dad worked at Thyssenkrupp too!! His mom & I talked during the entire party today (they just moved from Birmingham in July). Anyway, they seem very nice & it was sweet that he wanted her to sit with him.

Lance chilled with us & enjoyed having us all to himself I think!
Gingy came out just as we were walking by & Lance was so excited!! We saw him two other times. Lance just talks to him it cracks me up!

Lilly & her friend Walker! He is a cutie!


Self-portrait...cut Lance out!!

Lance took this picture of Mammaw & Pappaw!

Lance's photographer skills again!!

It was a great night!! Now we only have 3 sleeps & we are headed to Indiana. Tomorrow is laundry & start packing day!!

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