Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Lilly finished her antibiotics less than a week ago and started complaining about her throat hurting over the weekend. I decided to go ahead and call the ENT to just see what he had to say. They were able to get her this afternoon. I let her eat too much candy last nigth & she ended up waking up and getting sick. I am sure it wasn't sure the candy because she didn't eat that much. I think it was a combo of the candy & drainage. Either way she ended up not sleeping very well. I decided not to wake her up for school & just she how she felt when she got up. She ended up sleeping till 9:30 and her throat was hurting when she got up. We just kept her home & headed to the ENT this afternoon. He said he throat was red & she needed to be back on antibiotics and didn't even strep test her because he said she needed it either way. He said that her lymphnodes were not swollen. He also said based on everything I had told him about her history & the past few months it sounded like the antibiotics she was on just never fully got rid of in the first place (meaning when she had it back in early Sept). He gave her a different antibiotic & we go back in two weeks. He is going to do a strep test then. He said at that point she will have been off the meds for a few days & it should be gone. If she tests positive at that point then we will have to do some further investigating. However, he felt strongly that this antibiotic should take care it. So fingers crossed this does the trick. She is getting sick of being sick & taking meds. She has said, "Why do I keep getting sick". I was able to explain to her that the medicine she was taking didn't get all the germs & this new one should do it. Hopefully we are on the rode to being FULLY recovered!!!

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