Saturday, January 8, 2011

Relaxing Saturday.

We got up this morning & took the car for an oil change (which ended up taking 1 1/2 hours!!!). Then we came back home for lunch before heading out for a drive. We are trying to explore & figure out where we want to live. It's so hard when you don't know the area. I see a lot of driving in our future! Lance napped & Lilly played on her ipod while we checked out a few places. The kids had been begging us all day to go to the park after the drive. Little did they know Jeff & I had already planned to take them to a park in the area we were looking. They were so excited. It amazes me how excited they get to play on a "new" playground. After that we headed home to chill. I got to take a nap, Jeff watched some football & the kids played quietly (amazingly). We decided to meet mom & dad @ Ruby Tuesdays for dinner. They kids ate so much. They love going there because of the salad bar. I can't believe how much they are eating. They are going to wake up one day & be 3 inches taller!! After dinner we came back to the campground for some BINGO!!! Yes, I said BINGO. They have it every Saturday night at the community room & it's actually a lot of fun. My Dad wong $7 tonight!! I always get so close, but never win!! The kids each made a dollar by wishing the campground manager good luck. She told them if she won she would give them a dollar. Lance kept saying "Did you win yet?" So she gave them both a dollar. Cracks me up....that kid is smart!!

Anway, it was a pretty relaxing & enjoyable day!! It's supposed to rain & get cold this week so I am glad we were able to get out today!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a great day!