Friday, January 28, 2011


Well, Lilly was able to go to school, but I still took her to the doctor this afternoon. The doctor said she had bronchitis. Didn't say anything about her throat so I guess that's good, but she put her on antibiotics & prescribed a cough medicine as well. Lilly DOES NOT do well with medicine anyway but REALLY doesn't like her antibiotic. It resulted in a complete breakdown this evening trying to get her to take it. After a short power nap, dinner, playtime w/Aunt Lori & snack I got her to try again. Finally, got it down through a straw & it took numerous tries. Proud of her for sticking with it!! Thank goodness it's only a 5 day prescription!!

Lance has been SUPER emotional the past few days......I hope that doesn't mean he is getting something :(

1 comment:

Julie Wade said...

I hope Lils is feeling better! Did you have her antibiotic "flavored"? I know Target offers several different flavors, and I think Walgreens does too...also, I LOVE the Valentine pics...too cute :)