Monday, January 24, 2011

Lance sound bytes.....

~So today while working with Lance on his colors I ask him what color Baby Bear was (from Sesame Street). He said, "It's not Baby Bear, it's Elmo's friend". I explained it was Elmo's friend but his name was Baby Bear. He explained to me, "No, it's his fri-end". (much funnier if you interest Lance's accent). I said ok what's his name. To which he replied, "Fri-end".

~While at Chik-fil-a tonight Lance turns around & points and says, "Look at that pretty girl". I said, "WHAT?" He said it again, "Look at that pretty girl". There was a table of 4 little girls sitting behind us. They were cute & I am not sure which one caught his eye, but one of them surely did!! (again funnier if you insert Lance's accent...."yook at that pretty girul".

There are at least a dozen things a day that he says that make me laugh....I can never remember them all, but these two stuck out!!

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