Wednesday, January 19, 2011

And so it begins....

Yesterday Lance started coughing and I was hoping that it wouldn't turn into anything more. However, this morning Lilly was coughing & said her throat hurt when she coughed. No fever & she wanted to go to school so I sent her. Lance & I chilled all morning. I was exhausted (he was up 3 times & at 4:15 when Jeff got up for work & end up in bed w/me), plus I had a headache. So we seriously just sat on the couch most of the morning. After getting Lilly he napped & she played on the computer while I napped. Then she laid w/me for awhile. My mom came out & we did go outside & play for a bit, but they were very low key. I don't think I had to get on Lance one know there is something up if he is that calm. So when we came in & I was starting dinner this is what I see....

He was like this most of the evening!

Lilly was attached to my hip & was very whiney. At bed she said she didn't think she could go to sleep without me. I gave them both medicine early in the evening, but it was cough medicine. She did have a low fever 99.5 at bedtime so I dosed her with Tylenol. I am guessing that my evening & tomorrow are gonna be similar to today......wish me luck!!

1 comment:

Julie Wade said...

I hope they feel better soon! Guess all that hand sanitizer they used at O'Charley's didn't quite cut it! :) Give them big hugs from me!