Sunday, January 23, 2011


Kangaroos is a family fun center that is full of different bounce houses. There are about 8 & they are huge & very cool. We have been wanting to go since we were here during the summer, but it never worked out. Anyway, I finally decided to take the kids today. THEY HAD A BLAST! They literally bounced, jumped climbed & slid for 2 hours!!
I have a ton of pictures, but after NUMEROUS tries, I am giving up for the night....I will try again tomorrow!!

I will mention though that even though they jumped, bounced, climbed & slid for 2 hours they were ready to wrestle with Daddy right after we got home. They LOVE to attack him. Lance just jumps with no regard to where he will land & Lilly just follows his lead!! They had a blast!!

So I was exhausted after dinner & sat down on the couch. I was telling Jeff I would need some help with cleaning up, baths, packing lunches etc.. The kids were still finishing up their dessert & it dawned on me that they haven't been cleaning up their plattes after dinner. This is something they used to do all the time & we have just gotten out of the habit of. SO, I told them to throw their plates away (paper plates), then I told gave each of them directions (put silverware in the sink, put away the mustard/ketchup, etc). They got the table cleaned off & then Lance had to wipe it down while Lilly finished up with some things on the counter. It was so helpful & so adorable!! I forget they are at the age where they can help me!!

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