Monday, January 24, 2011

Kangaroos & other pics. from yesterday it took nearly 2 hours to get these up...I have many more, but was running out of patients....these are a few of my favs!!

This is Lilly telling me there is a shark on the other side!!! LOOK AT HER funny!! (The slide was the sharks mouth)

In one of the obstacle courses....having lots of fun!!
This is coming down the shark's mouth!! (sorry pics. uploaded out of order)


This is one of them wrestling....I LOVE IT~ let me explain this one....Jeff had Lilly between his legs & Lance decided to push him down. I guess because he had her his balance was off & he fell forward onto the was so funny!!

This is my little helper cleaning up dinner last night!

Look how clean that table is!! If you look closely you can see a bean on the left side of the table. He missed it, but find it about 30 minutes later & took care of it!! WHAT A GOOD HELPER!!

1 comment:

Courtney said...

I just realized I typed patients instead of patience...LOL...typo!!