Sunday, January 30, 2011

All dressed up!!

Yesterday we took the kids to the park & then went to Lambert's to eat. This is where they throw the rolls at you. We have never been before & the kids had fun. The waitress pulled a few tricks on us. She asked if Lilly if she wanted a mint. When Lilly went to open the box a mouse popped out on her hand. It was so funny! Lance wouldn't try so I did. He was sitting on my lap & screamed like a little girl. (Like ear piercing screamed)....everyone looked & was so funny~

We decided to make a trip to Sam's today. Prior to leaving the kids were playing like it was my birthday. So when I told them to get dressed Lilly informed me that she needed to dress up because it was my birthday. I explained I was wearing comfy clothes but she could wear what she wanted. So she picks out one of her nicer school outfits & then proceeds to pull down a button up shirt for Lance. I was cracking up. Here they were all dressed up & Jeff & I look like bums!!
I was trying to get a picture........

Here is such a ham......but still so stinking cute!!

All in all it was a good weekend, we just enjoyed spending time as a family & relaxing.

Friday, January 28, 2011


Well, Lilly was able to go to school, but I still took her to the doctor this afternoon. The doctor said she had bronchitis. Didn't say anything about her throat so I guess that's good, but she put her on antibiotics & prescribed a cough medicine as well. Lilly DOES NOT do well with medicine anyway but REALLY doesn't like her antibiotic. It resulted in a complete breakdown this evening trying to get her to take it. After a short power nap, dinner, playtime w/Aunt Lori & snack I got her to try again. Finally, got it down through a straw & it took numerous tries. Proud of her for sticking with it!! Thank goodness it's only a 5 day prescription!!

Lance has been SUPER emotional the past few days......I hope that doesn't mean he is getting something :(

Thursday, January 27, 2011

New banner!!

So I learned how to create a custom banner for the blog!!! I hope you enjoy it!! I am proud of myself!!

Tomorrow is jammie day at school for Lilly....she has been coughing & her throat looked red....fingers crossed she can go. She cried tonight when I told her if she isn't feeling well in the morning she would have to stay home!! Poor girl!! Either way I think I will take her to the doc. She has been fighting this for awhile now.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Play-doh, Pasta & Projects!!

So after taking Lilly to school Lance & I had work to do. CLEANING!!! He actually cheered about it! He was so excited to get to help me. Wouldn't it be awesome if that never changed?? (I know....not gonna happen, but a girl can dream)
Look at that grin! He has always loved to vacuum!

He really wanted to play Play-doh so while I was cleaning up in the kitchen I let him play.

Isn't he handsome??

This afternoon we had some work to do on our Valentines. They are a surprise, but you can  have a sneak peek....

I bet you hope you are one of their Valentine's....don't you??

On Wed. afternoons the campground does sort of a workshop on how to make foods from scratch. I haven't been able to attend until today. It was homemade pasta!! She had a maching that she rolled it through & then it also cut it. She made us some linguni. I can't wait to try it!!

While I was cooking dinner Lilly informed me that she had some projects she needed to work on in the hallway. She was very busy & came in once to inform me she was using stickers as glue. After dinner (which she helped me clean up) she went back to it. She was talking about kids in her class at school & said they did a good job & one was sick so couldn't do was cute. I tried to take a picture & she turned her back....little stinker!!

*Just to note....Lilly was in a particularly pleasant mood today. She has been tired & kinda moody so I was happy to have my sweet girl back!!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


So after a fairly calm day things went drastically south when I went to cook dinner. A pot of boiling water fell off the stove (no one was hurt, thank goodness), I couldn't get a can of carrots open & ended up w/carrot juice all over my shirt & I realized after the fact that we had no A1 (the kids prefer it w/pork chops). However, I still managed to cook dinner & no one got injured.
Jeff wasn't home so I opted out of baths to ensure everyone's safety. (I am due for a urgent care or ER visit two of my friends have had recent injuries w/their children & that happened prior to Lance's stitches...thanks for the warning Michelle).
Anyway, the kids were actually really good all day, but while I was cleaning up dinner they were being so good. Look at them just cutting & playing. They were like this for 30 minutes or more!!

Jeff finally made it in & brought me some cookies & cream ice cream!! Just what I needed!!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Lilly Sound Bytes....Father Abraham

Today while we were working a puzzle Lilly decided to inform me she had learned Father Abraham. She did so well & was so proud. She sang it all afternoon & was so excited to get home & sing for Jeff. I asked if she would sing & let me video it so I could put it on the blog. She agreed, this is pretty big for her as she doesn't often like to be in the spotlight. However, she loves to look at the blog over & over she let me video her. I tried to upload 3 luck :(

Lance sound bytes.....

~So today while working with Lance on his colors I ask him what color Baby Bear was (from Sesame Street). He said, "It's not Baby Bear, it's Elmo's friend". I explained it was Elmo's friend but his name was Baby Bear. He explained to me, "No, it's his fri-end". (much funnier if you interest Lance's accent). I said ok what's his name. To which he replied, "Fri-end".

~While at Chik-fil-a tonight Lance turns around & points and says, "Look at that pretty girl". I said, "WHAT?" He said it again, "Look at that pretty girl". There was a table of 4 little girls sitting behind us. They were cute & I am not sure which one caught his eye, but one of them surely did!! (again funnier if you insert Lance's accent...."yook at that pretty girul".

There are at least a dozen things a day that he says that make me laugh....I can never remember them all, but these two stuck out!!

Kangaroos & other pics. from yesterday it took nearly 2 hours to get these up...I have many more, but was running out of patients....these are a few of my favs!!

This is Lilly telling me there is a shark on the other side!!! LOOK AT HER funny!! (The slide was the sharks mouth)

In one of the obstacle courses....having lots of fun!!
This is coming down the shark's mouth!! (sorry pics. uploaded out of order)


This is one of them wrestling....I LOVE IT~ let me explain this one....Jeff had Lilly between his legs & Lance decided to push him down. I guess because he had her his balance was off & he fell forward onto the was so funny!!

This is my little helper cleaning up dinner last night!

Look how clean that table is!! If you look closely you can see a bean on the left side of the table. He missed it, but find it about 30 minutes later & took care of it!! WHAT A GOOD HELPER!!

Sunday, January 23, 2011


Kangaroos is a family fun center that is full of different bounce houses. There are about 8 & they are huge & very cool. We have been wanting to go since we were here during the summer, but it never worked out. Anyway, I finally decided to take the kids today. THEY HAD A BLAST! They literally bounced, jumped climbed & slid for 2 hours!!
I have a ton of pictures, but after NUMEROUS tries, I am giving up for the night....I will try again tomorrow!!

I will mention though that even though they jumped, bounced, climbed & slid for 2 hours they were ready to wrestle with Daddy right after we got home. They LOVE to attack him. Lance just jumps with no regard to where he will land & Lilly just follows his lead!! They had a blast!!

So I was exhausted after dinner & sat down on the couch. I was telling Jeff I would need some help with cleaning up, baths, packing lunches etc.. The kids were still finishing up their dessert & it dawned on me that they haven't been cleaning up their plattes after dinner. This is something they used to do all the time & we have just gotten out of the habit of. SO, I told them to throw their plates away (paper plates), then I told gave each of them directions (put silverware in the sink, put away the mustard/ketchup, etc). They got the table cleaned off & then Lance had to wipe it down while Lilly finished up with some things on the counter. It was so helpful & so adorable!! I forget they are at the age where they can help me!!

Saturday, January 22, 2011


So it was Bingo night again....the kids played cars (I thought this would help them stay quite, but ended up being pretty loud)!

The losing cards......or so I thought....until....

I WON!!! Of course it was on a cover all when 4 other people (including Dad who won on two cards), but hey...I WON!! I made $6.50, well.....only .50 when you take out what I paid to play, but hey can't beat that!! I see now why people's addicting & very intense!!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Ultimate Nachos & American Idol

Tonight we had nachos & caught up on American Idol. Lilly was very excited. She would say, "I don't think he's going to Hollywood"!! Of course Lance wanted to watch a movie. It was a nice night just chillin!!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

What am I gonna do w/this boy??

So after 30 minutes of the kids being in bed (& several times of telling Lance to go to bed). I hear him getting up so I get up to see what he is doing. He comes out & says, "I have the wrong shoes". I look down & he is wearing two different slippers. As frustrated as I was I couldn't help but laugh. I asked him why he had on slippers & he said, "cause my feet will get cold". I reminded him that he told me he didn't want socks. He just grinned....I had to take a picture!! I put socks on him & sent him to bed....what a little stinker!

Look how proud he is.....what a ham!!


I am working on the grocery list & Lilly was making her own list from mine. She was getting frustrated with herself & put her head down & said, "I'm doomed"......I laughed out loud. SERIOUSLY.....where does she come up with this stuff??

Bulldozer boy!

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Well, everyone slept pretty good until 4am. Then they were both up & in bed with me. We all went back to sleep & laid all morning. No fevers & Lance's cough is pretty good. Lilly sounds bad, but says she feels ok. Her throat isn't red that I can see so I guess we will just see how it goes.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

And so it begins....

Yesterday Lance started coughing and I was hoping that it wouldn't turn into anything more. However, this morning Lilly was coughing & said her throat hurt when she coughed. No fever & she wanted to go to school so I sent her. Lance & I chilled all morning. I was exhausted (he was up 3 times & at 4:15 when Jeff got up for work & end up in bed w/me), plus I had a headache. So we seriously just sat on the couch most of the morning. After getting Lilly he napped & she played on the computer while I napped. Then she laid w/me for awhile. My mom came out & we did go outside & play for a bit, but they were very low key. I don't think I had to get on Lance one know there is something up if he is that calm. So when we came in & I was starting dinner this is what I see....

He was like this most of the evening!

Lilly was attached to my hip & was very whiney. At bed she said she didn't think she could go to sleep without me. I gave them both medicine early in the evening, but it was cough medicine. She did have a low fever 99.5 at bedtime so I dosed her with Tylenol. I am guessing that my evening & tomorrow are gonna be similar to today......wish me luck!!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Beautiful day!!

It was warm & sunny today!! The kids got to ride their bikes, play at the playground & just spend the afternoon playing outside. I came in to wash dishes & start dinner & left them out (in the front yard where I could see them)....they had a BLAST. They moved the empty cooler & found a string. They tied it from the cooler to the sit-n-stand stroller & pulled the cooler behind the stroller!! It was great...don't ask me why I didn't get a picture...that's not like me. SORRY! They were so funny. They were using their imagination & having a great time. I LOVE when they can play together & do that!!


It's only 9:30 & Lilly has already been cracking me up. First after she argues to wear a skirt so she can be pretty cause she has to do a talent show she comes down & informs me that last night when she was watching Freaky Friday she thought about getting her ears pierced when Anna's mom did. However, she knew her Dad would say No. I told her that Daddy said that when she wanted her ears pierced he would consider it, if SHE wanted it. So I tell her this & I asked what she decided. She said, "I'm not ready, maybe when I am 6, but not now"!!!

Then she comes down & says it's burning hot in her room. She said, "Don't go up there you will burn like death"!! She said it like 4 times...I was cracking up. I think she meant "burn to death".....


Monday, January 17, 2011

Back in Alabama!!

We made it back safely to Alabama tonight. It was a pretty good drive....the last couple of hours are always hard & the kids were pretty wiped out. We had a great time visiting with everyone. It was great that we were able to see so many people with such short notice. Thanks everyone!!! We are very lucky to have such great family & friends. We are doing great & really like it here, but it's good to know that we have people thinking about us & missing us. I really hope that you all keep your word & come visit. We would love to show you around.

Friday, January 14, 2011


Well, we are in Indiana (as most of you know) after an impromptu trip thanks to Jeff. I am so glad we did. It is great to see everyone & we just got here! Two more days of visiting & catching up....can't wait!! Thanks for dinner Roger & Julie. Thanks for letting us take over your house for a few days Trish (especially w/very little notice)!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


So yesterday was a bad mommy/kid day. I wasn't feeling super great & the kids were cranky. I am sure their crankiness had much to do w/mine, happens. Anyway, I always feel bad when I have days like that so I was determined to make today a better day. Lilly had school (which helps) so Lance & I stopped by wal-mart after dropping her off to pick up bread, milk & a new tote for Lilly's toys (I was planning to reorganized for like the umptenth time....your shocked I am sure).
So we get in there & are looking around we find a tote (or 3) & Lance asked me what we needed. I tell him we need bread & milk, to which he replies "and donuts". Let me fill you in.....Lance has a slight addiction to powered donuts & now that they make great value brand I don't feel as guilty about buying them. Anyway, we got a bag when we went to the store on Sunday morning & they were gone my Monday afternoon & he was upset. As we get the bread & milk I remember several other things we need & after I get each one Lance reminds me "& donuts". I am telling you he wasn't getting out of that store w/out them!! It was funny.

We went home & I reorganized the room while he watched cartoons & chilled. I wanted to keep him up until time to go get Lilly. (I usually go to mom's or have to wake him up, but I was trying to move nap back). It worked!! He did great stayed up until on the way home, but went right down when we got home & slept two hours!!

Lilly had asked to paint so after he got up I let them paint. They LOVE to do crafts/projects, but especially paint. Lilly always takes her time, but doesn't always make a picture so I encouraged her to make a picture. She painted her name & a lighthouse. Lance is just now to the point where he will actually take his time & now just slap it down. It's fun to watch them create. All in is a better day!!

Monday, January 10, 2011


So, today was laundry day. In an effort to save money I have been taking the laundry to my mom's. It's not too bad when I keep up with it & take it a couple times a week. However, I don't know what happened last week, but I had a TON today. You don't realize how much laundry you have until you load it up, carry it up two flights up stairs, wash, dry & fold it, then load it back up & carry it down two flights of stairs & back in to put away. Now, in my defense my mom always helps to do it, but still it just seems crazy. I told Jeff yesterday I think we should invent disposable clothes!!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Relaxing Saturday.

We got up this morning & took the car for an oil change (which ended up taking 1 1/2 hours!!!). Then we came back home for lunch before heading out for a drive. We are trying to explore & figure out where we want to live. It's so hard when you don't know the area. I see a lot of driving in our future! Lance napped & Lilly played on her ipod while we checked out a few places. The kids had been begging us all day to go to the park after the drive. Little did they know Jeff & I had already planned to take them to a park in the area we were looking. They were so excited. It amazes me how excited they get to play on a "new" playground. After that we headed home to chill. I got to take a nap, Jeff watched some football & the kids played quietly (amazingly). We decided to meet mom & dad @ Ruby Tuesdays for dinner. They kids ate so much. They love going there because of the salad bar. I can't believe how much they are eating. They are going to wake up one day & be 3 inches taller!! After dinner we came back to the campground for some BINGO!!! Yes, I said BINGO. They have it every Saturday night at the community room & it's actually a lot of fun. My Dad wong $7 tonight!! I always get so close, but never win!! The kids each made a dollar by wishing the campground manager good luck. She told them if she won she would give them a dollar. Lance kept saying "Did you win yet?" So she gave them both a dollar. Cracks me up....that kid is smart!!

Anway, it was a pretty relaxing & enjoyable day!! It's supposed to rain & get cold this week so I am glad we were able to get out today!!


Thanks to Gracie (& the rest of the Hanaver family) the kids finally got to go to build-a-bear!! They were so excited. Well, Lilly was I am not sure Lance had a clue. Lilly picked out a blue bear w/peace signs & Lance went from one animal to the next. He finally settled on a panda bear. After stuffing them & bathing them they picked out some clothes. Lance went with pj's for his panda & of course Lilly picked out a pretty dress for hers!! At this point Lance was pretty much running all of the store so I was rushing on picking out names. Lilly ended up with Morgan & Lance with Parker. They were so excited they dressed them in the truck on the way home. Then they played with them & colored their houses. They had a great time!!

 Thanks for much for our gift cards Gracie!! We loved it!!!
 While I was cooking dinner Friday night Lilly wanted to put on some tattoos. She can do it herself so I gave her a wet paper towel & was working on dinner. Lance came over & asked me to do a couple for him so I helped him. Lilly asked if she could do three & I said that was fine. By the time they were finished this is what they looked like.....wonder if this is a glimpse into their future???
Lance didn't have as many cause he had to have help!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Worn out

I think i actually wore them out today, that doesn't happen often!

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I have to say, my kids do not lack imaginations. They played like this for 20 mins.

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Pretty day

Its pretty nice out so we took a bike ride & ended up at the train station to play trains!

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Water bug!

He will be swimming on his own this summer, mark my words!

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A morning swim

We decided to go swimming this morning to burn some energy!

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Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Pretty girl

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Silly boy!

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Back to the grind....

Well, it's back to school for Lilly tomorrow. Thankfully, it's not back to work for it used to be. I am so grateful for this opportunity to stay at home with the kids. There are days (maybe today???) that I get frustrated, but I am so happy to be able to spend this time with them.

We have clothes laid out & lunches packed....hope that means it will be an easy morning!! Wish us luck!!!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Lazy days....

We haven't done much the past two days, but trying to enjoy it cause tomorrow is our last day & then Lilly is back to school. She is ready (I am ready), but I am not sure Lance is. He gets lonely while she's at school!!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Rainy Day

It was a rainy day here so we just stayed in. The campground had a breakfast this morning so we got up & went to that then spent the rest of the day playing. Jeff has to work tomorrow so we will see what the kids & I can get into!!

I can't believe it's 2011