Sunday, November 2, 2014


It has been so hot that I hadn't even bought pumpkins. The kids kept asking and had decided they wanted to carve them this year. We usually just paint them, but I figured they were old enough to try. So I finally went and got some on Wednesday and we got started. The plan was for us to get them cleaned out and maybe start carving and then Jeff to help us finish. They did so good we almost had them done before he got home!!

Washed and ready to go!

I found this perfect pumpkin and Lance decided it should be his!

He did a great job scooping it out!

Lilly didn't like cleaning it out, but she did it!

This one...this want anything to do with it till I had it cleaned out. Then that's all she did...scoop, scoop, scoop

Hard work!



This girl did almost the entire thing herself!

The boy got a little worn out, but still did most of it!

She decided to help me saw...AFTER hers was done!

Still at it this!!


So proud! (even with a photo bomb)



They worked so hard (it took about 2 hours start to finish). They were so proud & we were so proud of them! I can't believe they carved their own pumpkins!! How is that possible???

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