Sunday, November 23, 2014

Bowling fun!

Saturday Lilly had play practice and we had a birthday party. We had planned on going to movie in the street, but we weren't really feeling it. Lance didn't seem to be 100% and there was a chance of bad weather. Lance suggested we go bowling and everyone agreed that was a great idea! So we grabbed some dinner and then headed to bowl.

These boys were in class together last year and Lance and Jo (birthday boy next to Lance) played baseball together this year!

Lots of little sisters!!

Firehouse subs!! These two barely ate.

Look at him go!

Nice job!

Go Lilly!

Isn't he handsome??

She wouldn't cooperate...this is the best I could get!

Such a big girl!

So....this is hilarious...Lilly INSISTS on helping Lindley every time. She moves the little helper, gets the ball and puts it up there. Well, Lindley always tries to push the ball before Lilly lets go. It's not funny, but it was making Lilly so mad! Lindley thought it was hilarious, but Lilly said that she thought she was going to pull her down. BAHAH!! So funny!

She just rolls and walks away....she doesn't care if it hits any pins.
So after bowling...I decided we should run in Sam's (we needed milk and few things). We came across these giant ninja turtles!! I have no idea what you would do with them, but they were awesome!!

Of course we had to grab a snack (pizza)...Sam's is the best in case you didn't know. LOL.
It was nice to spend some time with them! I missed them last week.

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