Sunday, November 16, 2014

Playdate party!

The Nelsons' had a birthday party to go to Saturday night that was not "kid friendly". Heather asked if I could keep the kids. Jeff was working so I said sure! Lilly invited Madi over and we had a playdate party!!

Brody brought Ants in the Pants to play. They had a good time!! (once they stopped being competitive and decided just to play and have fun)

The girls worked on some color matching.

And some cooking

Lindley loves Brody!!

Time for Frozen!

These girls watched Diary of a Wimpy kid. They built their fort themselves. I've decided Madi could move in and we wouldn't notice. She fits right in and they always are so good and have fun!!

Overall, they were all really good! So lucky that my kids have good friends!!

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