Sunday, November 23, 2014

Big Girl Bed (well...sort of)

SO....Lindley hasn't been sleeping great. We really weren't sure what was going on. One night before I left when she woke up in the middle of the night I asked her why and she told me "I no like my bed". URGH...I'm not ready. I like her contained. She can get out of her crib, but only does it after nap. Never in the night.

Saturday night she woke up, but it was early and I was still up so I got her to lay on the couch. She never made another peep.

I got to thinking that maybe part of the issue was that she had too many things in her crib. She is like Lance and after I clean it out she gradually gets it back in. So last night I took everything out and she did sleep in there all night, but I also think she was exhausted.
We had talked about just taking her rail off, but just hadn't done it. So today when I cleaned her room up I finally did it....and she was a VERY happy little girl!!
She was climbing up in there and having a blast. She put her babies in there and was just playing!! SO SWEET.
This was about 11pm....I rolled a blanket up to help keep her from falling out. So far, so good!
I CAN NOT believe she is big enough for this. It is going TOO fast. She is talking so much and is a funny little thing. A good mixture of Lance and Lilly....sweet, but spunky. Love her!!

Sunday Funday!

I had a TON of laundry...I hadn't done it in over a week. Plus, the house was pretty dirty. It was a rainy day so perfect for me to get things caught up. So I worked all day. The kids played pretty good. (Lance has been very calm, but emotional the past few days....usually a sign that he is getting sick...) Anyway, they asked to paint  and had a blast!

They have ALWAYS loved to paint.

So pretty....

hard at work!

So careful!
After baths we settled in to watch "How the Grinch Stole Christmas"


They were pretty happy!!
It was a great end to good weekend.

Bowling fun!

Saturday Lilly had play practice and we had a birthday party. We had planned on going to movie in the street, but we weren't really feeling it. Lance didn't seem to be 100% and there was a chance of bad weather. Lance suggested we go bowling and everyone agreed that was a great idea! So we grabbed some dinner and then headed to bowl.

These boys were in class together last year and Lance and Jo (birthday boy next to Lance) played baseball together this year!

Lots of little sisters!!

Firehouse subs!! These two barely ate.

Look at him go!

Nice job!

Go Lilly!

Isn't he handsome??

She wouldn't cooperate...this is the best I could get!

Such a big girl!

So....this is hilarious...Lilly INSISTS on helping Lindley every time. She moves the little helper, gets the ball and puts it up there. Well, Lindley always tries to push the ball before Lilly lets go. It's not funny, but it was making Lilly so mad! Lindley thought it was hilarious, but Lilly said that she thought she was going to pull her down. BAHAH!! So funny!

She just rolls and walks away....she doesn't care if it hits any pins.
So after bowling...I decided we should run in Sam's (we needed milk and few things). We came across these giant ninja turtles!! I have no idea what you would do with them, but they were awesome!!

Of course we had to grab a snack (pizza)...Sam's is the best in case you didn't know. LOL.
It was nice to spend some time with them! I missed them last week.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

It's Beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas!!

I am out of town all this week for work and since week is Thanksgiving so we decided to go ahead and put up our decorations on Sunday before I left. The kids were so excited and did a great job!

Helping me spread the branches.

Such good helpers!

I have to find the picture of them hanging this ornament on her first Christmas. So sweet!

Look at her happy and proud!

Making sure we get the top!


I did it!! She was so proud of herself!!

My little elves!! It cracks me up that Lindley has those cheeks! She's still so tiny, but has cheeks!! So fun!!

Ta-da!! It's perfect!!

They did their own trees again this year.

Looks good!

She didn't have a tree skirt so she took her baby blanket and put it under three!! LOVE HER!!
I can't believe it's already almost Thanksgiving! This year is flying!!

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Playdate party!

The Nelsons' had a birthday party to go to Saturday night that was not "kid friendly". Heather asked if I could keep the kids. Jeff was working so I said sure! Lilly invited Madi over and we had a playdate party!!

Brody brought Ants in the Pants to play. They had a good time!! (once they stopped being competitive and decided just to play and have fun)

The girls worked on some color matching.

And some cooking

Lindley loves Brody!!

Time for Frozen!

These girls watched Diary of a Wimpy kid. They built their fort themselves. I've decided Madi could move in and we wouldn't notice. She fits right in and they always are so good and have fun!!

Overall, they were all really good! So lucky that my kids have good friends!!

Dinosaur fun!!

Mom and Dad found this cool place when they were out driving one day. I had to work Saturday morning so they took them to check it out. They had a blast!!

The sun was bright! Isn't this fountain cool?

Giant dinosaurs!!

Cool statue!


Someone didn't want to be left out!

EWWW...picking his nose!

So fun!

Oh hey there dinosaur!

Stonehenge replica!

Look at the tall...he has come passengers!


Pap and his rotten grandkids!!
Apparently this guy has a ton of money and bought these and randomly put them out on his land. The kids thought it was very cool!!

Look closely....there is someone hiding in the back!!
Thanks for a great day Mammaw & Pappaw!