Tuesday, August 26, 2014

First day of school 2014!!

The summer was so fun and busy, but it went SO fast!! Looking back to the beginning of summer...when we went on our trip and everyone got sick...yeah...remember that? Seems like it was just yesterday.

Here he is....ready to go!! Look out first grade!!!

Lilly's last year at the elementary school. The big third grader!

So sweet!

I love this one!!

They both have teachers new to the school. Lance's teacher (Miss Johnson) is brand new right out of college. Lilly's teacher (Mrs. G...it's too difficult to spell) is not a new teacher but new to the school.

Yes...the first day of school. I did not buy any white polos last year. He had one he would wear sometimes. This year I bought one......this is why! He fell on the track...

We braided her hair one day the first week.

So adorable!!

On the third day of school Lance got a smile in his folder and a "such a good boy". We started carpooling on day four (because our car line is insane but that's another story). Anyway, I wrote a note to his teacher to make sure she knew it was a permanent change. This is the note I got back.....he already has her snowed. LOL! I know he is a good boy, but it just cracked me up!!
Overall, week one was a success and they have done great this week so far. They both have new people in their classes so will be making new friends I am sure. However, they do get to see some of their friends at PE and recess. I am hoping for a great school year!!
(also my last year with kids in one school....not looking forward to that....)

Everything else...

This includes any random picture that didn't get it's own post!

Just doing some reading...

I spent an entire day taking out clothes that were too small and putting in new clothes. I was able to seriously replace like 90% of her wardrobe with hand-me-downs that have been waiting on her to grow. She was very proud of her new pj's

Daddy's are so fun!!

Little monkey!!

She is beautiful. There I said it....I know she's mine, but really?? Don't you agree??

Lance helped Daddy pressure wash the entire drive way. He is such a good helper!!

While the boys were working....we did a little shopping and got some ice cream!!

We went for school shoes....and bought a comforter set! What can I say...It was a great deal and I know if I was looking for something to match her room I wouldn't find it. So we agreed it would be part of her bday.....Doesn't it look great??!!!

Trying out my glasses...

So cute!!

Love it!!

Lindley can finally wear this dress!! It is still a little big, but I couldn't stand it. I have been waiting forever!! Lilly got this dress from Uncle Cam and wore it when we went to St. Pete and got to visit with him. She was almost two (21 months). It was right before we found out we were expecting Lance. Lindley is almost 2 1/2 (29 months). So pretty close in age.

This was the day we went to The Wharf. I wasn't feeling good and the kids decided to cook dinner. They made BLT's (baked bacon in the oven with supervision) & pasta salad. They served it to me with a note. They then proceeded to put two pudding cups in a bowl with a cherry on top for my dessert. They also brought me a bell. It was very sweet!!

I had a trip to Tallahassee which was one I had to drive to. We had planned on the 5 of us going, but decided it might be better for Jeff & Lance to stay home and have guys time. So NoNo, Mom, the girls and I went!!
The boys got the oil changed in the car and got Lance a haircut. They also went to see the new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and went to Hooters. Plus watched all of the Transformers. I'd say that was some quality guy time! As much as I wish he would keep it long....we let him decide. He went for short with a little Mohawk. It is adorable!

Lilly working in the hotel! She was having blast!

I had a terrible cold that started a few days earlier. I wasn't feeling well at all, but was happy to have some time with the girls. We had a quick evening swim and then went to dinner. While I was in my training they swam and then got lunch and did some shopping. Fun times!!

It's always fun to take a trip to Goodwill to see what you can find. Our most recent trip scored me this $2 Melissa and Doug board. I got it for Lindley but they all love it!

Working hard!

She did it all on her own!! Yay!! (FYI...blue is her favorite color). Remember how Lance said everything was orange? For Lindley everything is blue!

One afternoon I let them play in the water and this is the contraption they came up with. Hard to see but they were proud!

Pretty toes and nails for back to school!!!

First playdate!

Lindley and Harper have played together a lot, but always with both Heather and I. We decided to try our first playdate without Heather. It went fabulous!!
Playing with Lindley's new toy!

Time for house!

Riding bikes...

They did great taking turns!


So fun!!

The boys were too busy for pictures!

Harper got a little fussy after a while so we got on the couch and turned on Sophia. They were just fine. Look how sweet???!!! Love these girls!!

New Park!!

Our community park has been down since late spring. It was a cool wooden park, but old and not very safe. So they tore it down and got a brand new park, including a splash pad!!! We have been anxiously awaiting it's opening and finally the Saturday before school started it opened!!!

They have an area just for toddlers.

Lindley loved it!

This rocking boat was her favorite.

The area underneath is padded!!

Oh Boy!!

This thing is a favorite for sure!! My monkeys loved it!!


Feels good on a hot day!


This was like an hour after it opened so it was BUSY!!

This is my favorite!! I WANT ONE!!

Lilly and Ellie Grace being silly!!

We would play a while, then cool off!

She also loves to swing!!

Look at those legs!!

It was so much fun we went back that evening...it was the last night of summer break! I had to squeeze in as much fun as I could right??

Here is a shot of the big play area. I was with Lindley during the day and it was packed so I didn't get any pictures. These slides are HUGE!!

Swinging with my little! So sweet!

Of course had to get some Mr. Gene's beans one last time before school!