Thursday, October 31, 2013

Attracted to you

I go to a Moms group a couple times a month. They provide child care for the kids during the meeting. Lindley has never gone, but this week for her first time. Lilly and Lance were not very fond of the idea. They said she was too young and shouldn't go. Lilly asked me why she couldn't just stay with Mammaw. I explained that she probably could, but that she needed to be around other kids and that she would be ok. I explained that both Lilly and Lance had gone to Mary's when they were both younger. Lilly agreed, but just said she was too little. I finally asked her why she was having such a hard time with her going. She said, "Well, she's really attracted to you, Dad and me". (She meant attached). She said the same thing to mom and neither of us corrected her. Once I explained that she would be very close to me and they could call me if she had trouble she was ok, but they were both very concerned!! Lindley cried when I left her, but was fine when I picked her up. They said she played for a bit and then wanted to be held (sounds about right). She told her friends bye and the workers and seemed to enjoy it!!

I love how protective they are of her. She will always be taken care of by her big sister and big brother!!

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