Friday, October 25, 2013

All better??

Well last weekend I thought we were all better so we ventured out some on Friday evening and Saturday.

Friday afternoon we headed out to the park for a bit!

then had pizza and watched a movie!

They were engrossed!

Saturday we headed to Michael's to make duct tape masks and find Lilly's Halloween costume

We came home and made our own masks!

Part of Lilly's costume!

Then had a bubble bath!!! It was a good day!
Then that night Lance woke up complaining of his belly hurting. He ended up vomiting twice. He slept with me and I made him relax Sunday morning. By lunch he was fine and back to himself.

Then on Thursday Lindley woke up and vomited and hardly ate all day. She vomited again in the evening. She seems to be a bit better today but is acting like her ear still hurts. She isn't running a fever and is still drinking. Although she is still not eating. She ate a bit more this evening and seemed to be getting back to normal. Here's to hoping that we are all better and stay better!!

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