Friday, October 18, 2013

Virus, ear infection and strep oh my!!

WHAT A WEEK!! I was at the doctor's office 3 times in a week!! It started a week ago Thursday. Lindley woke with a low grade fever. It was running around 100-101. Not a big deal, but given her history with low blood count we have been told to go to the ER if she had a fever of 100.4 or higher. Her pediatrician had told me to call her first. So we called and she said to take her to get blood work then bring her in later that afternoon. Her count was GREAT and everything checked out good. So that meant a virus and we just needed to give it a few days.

She was so pathetic. Seriously laid like this for like 4 days. She barely got up and if she did it didn't last long.

This is what happens when you have a history of low neutrophil count. Notice the STAT?? I literally walked in the lab and went straight back to have her blood taken. No registration or sign in. They had the results quickly!

On Sunday night she kept hollering out and had pointed to her ear a few times. When she woke Monday and still had a fever (day 5) I knew we had to call the doctor back. So we went back in and sure enough she had developed an ear infection. Poor baby!!

As I standing in line at Wal-Mart to get her medicine I'm holding her and she turns her head and I see this! That is wax coming out of her ear!! YUCK!! Thank goodness we had already been to the doctor.

This was how she was on Monday....just so lethargic. I felt awful for her. No smiles or giggles.
Luckily the medicine in pretty quick and by Wednesday we had our girl back! However, Wednesday morning I had to leave for work early and Mom had to wake the kids and take them to school. She calls me as I am driving and Lilly woke with a sore throat and low temp. She actually had ended up sleeping in our room that night saying her throat hurt, but I thought it was just allergies. When I let her teacher know she told me strep was going around. Sure enough on Thursday I take her and she has it!! Three times in one week!!!
By Thursday Lindley was her old self for sure!! Little turd wouldn't let me take pics!

Having fun with brother....until she wouldn't stop knocking down his blocks and he left!

There's that cheesy grin!

Playing with Sisi. She sure likes them!!

Sweet girls!!

Luckily the doctor said Lilly could return to school today as long as she got enough doses of medicine in. Today was her AR goal cutoff and she was few points shy. She returned and was able to reach her goal!! GO LILLY! Everyone seems to be better! Fingers crossed we can enjoy and healthy fun weekend!

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