Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween!!

We have been busy the past few days!! On Saturday the kids I went Trick-or-Treating in downtown Fairhope. Then we went to a Halloween Bash at 5 Rivers (think state park like), THEN went to Bass Pro!! Monday night was Lance's last tee ball game of the season (separate post for that) and today Lilly had a field trip, Lance's class Trick-or-Treated downtown and had lunch at the park, Lilly had a Halloween party and then we went Trick-or-Treating!!! GEEZ I'm worn out!!! We had a lot of fun though!!

Trick-or-Treating in downtown Fairhope. Lance noticed that his shadow looked like a real Transformer!! Lindley FOUGHT me to get her dress on and sat in the stroller for quite awhile. She finally got out and started figuring out what it was all about!!

5 Rivers!! There was a TON of stuff! Crafts, games, hayride! SO FUN!!
I have no pictures from today with the kids classes... I was either keeping kids in line or chasing them time for pictures!!

Happy Halloween!! (Lindley wasn't up for her dress again until Jeff mentioned candy! She even wore her hat for a few minutes)

Umm....I'd say he did pretty good!!

Not too bad!! She liked it when they handed the candy to her or she got to pick it out. If they put it in her bucket she would hold her hand out for more!

Lilly only did a few houses then went to help Mammaw hand out candy!! I think she ate about as much as she handed out!

Trying to calm down after a VERY busy and fun day!!

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