Sunday, November 3, 2013

Lance fights the counter....

Lance was trying to earn $1 by drying and putting away the dishes. He was on the kitchen counter on his knees putting away bowls. I told him to get down and wait till he had all of dried and put them away at once. I was putting a new trash bag in the trash can and turned my back. The next thing I know I hear him hit the floor. I get him up and start checking....I can see blood in his mouth and can see he has bit a pretty good chunk out of his tongue. I get a wash clothes and then notice blood running down his chin. At this point he is pretty upset and screaming for Jeff. I wake Jeff and we get to looking at him. He chin has a cut, but not too bad. He tongue looks pretty nasty, but we figured there isn't much to do for that. We decided a visit to the urgent care was in order to check. Figured they might glue his chin. He calmed down and was pretty quiet while we waited. The doctor did put glue on his chin, but said he tongue would heal pretty quickly on it's own. She did suggest letting him drink tea to help it.

He got it on both sides. Poor kid!

His chin doesn't look so bad and he honestly didn't complain about it at all.
When we got back to my mom's to pick the girls up I said, "maybe you slipped because you had on socks". We were still trying to figure out exactly what happened up to this point he had said he didn't know. He said, "I jumped". WHAT?! So apparently when I told him to get down instead of just sliding down like a normal child he stood up and then jumped!!! The dishwasher was open so he is lucky it didn't up worse than that!
He had a little trouble eating dinner last night, but other than it hasn't slowed him down AT ALL!!
This boy shortens my life a little everyday!! Good thing he is sweet and handsome!!

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